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The group needed more rest but there was no time. The sun was beginning to rise and the sounds of ships above them was much louder than before. Morso began thinking thoughts of how he could possibly obtain some of the much-needed sand spirits and then thought about how badly addicted he had become. He reached into his pack and got some tobacco to tide him over. He felt relieved but knew that he needed more relief soon. The group gathered their belongings and headed west towards the factory that Flel had directions towards. The sand ended and now the surroundings were tropical. "Sand spiders" Flel said as he pointed down at the scurrying creatures. "At least its not bears" Prirmenha said. The wind blew against them like it did back at Euron and the factions south. Morso was reminded of his family and began to wipe tears from his eyes. "I had a choice" he said. "A choice?" Prirmenha questioned him. "I had a choice to stay with the Higher Creator or finish my calling with you. I chose to stay. But I hope to see them again one day" he said. Flel nodded and placed his hand on his shoulder, "We will make it through this, they are in a better place" he said. "I know, but... I just wish I could hold my children." He said while he was wiping away tears. "I cannot know what you are going through Morso" Prirmenha said as she hugged him. The group walked.

"Do you see it?" Flel said as he pointed towards a chimney stack in the distance. The group nodded and continued their trek. "Just as we discussed" Prirmenha said. The group had planned to appear as transhumants once approached by the mutants at the factory. "I suppose they will let us in" she said. "If not, you know what to do." Morso said in response. Flel shrugged and did not like the entire plan. "I wish we could just dig under the walls and get in there." He said. Ravens flew overhead and made the group uneasy. "Vors" Morso said. "Witches" Flel said. The wind blew against them and they continued to walk as the sun beat down on them. The group stopped to rest a bit and Flel took out his flask of water and passed it around. "I am having thoughts" Morso said, "I wish I could have the sand spirits again, I would be okay if I could". "I doubt we will come to that again" Flel said, "This is a new world beyond the wall." Morso looked discouraged and was shaking a bit. The ground was uneven and Flel tripped. He stopped to gain his bearings again. He pointed in the direction of their destination. "So, we must have found only half of the Artifact" Prirmenha remarked. "Yeah, I think that the other half is where I am being pulled" Flel said. "If its not that, then what else?" Morso said. Flel pondered for a moment, "The Creator gave me the gift to see this, all that we can do is trust him now." Prirmenha and Morso nodded in agreement and continued to follow Flel.

Morso chewed on the tobacco and was slightly annoyed by how high the grass was that he was stepping through. At times, he dealt with OCD tendencies and the sand spirits seemed to help with that, though they could not now. The crunching of grass and rocks was heard as the party moved through the fields. Trees were seen all around, spaced all around them. Some were thick with squirrels running up them and some were skinny with birds perching on the branches. Some crows were seen among the birds but they were becoming more and more sparse the closer they got to the building. The faction was becoming clearer now and the sun was midway through the sky. There was a grove surrounded by trees that the party approached and they stopped to rest a bit. "My legs are killing me" Flel said as he took off his boots to once again glance at his feet. He noticed that there were some new blisters but covered them back up. "I guess we aren't protected from further damage to our feet" he said laughing. Morso stretched and Prirmenha looked at her map. She showed the group where they were and where they were going and showed that the group of trees that surrounded the building would still be a good spot for them to camp once getting there as previously planned. The group ducked and laid silent as a red gargoyle creature flew above them. The wind from its wings were felt and the grass shifted as it went by. Not a sound was heard from Flel as he laid on the ground in terror. The group waited until it passed and then continued through the brush.

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