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Fear lessened in the group but exhaustion heightened. "The Godwall is another day away" Flel said as he was still running and panting nearly out of breath. The group stalled to catch their breath. "Let's get somewhere safe" Prirmenha said as she was struggling with her hands shaking to get her flashlight working. After a short wait, the party becan their trek through the dark. Sounds of trickling water was coming from nearby but not visible. There were also sounds of birds and other wild animals that Flel was unfamiliar with having lived in the faction most of his life. The boots were becoming very uncomfortable on his feet but he tried not to complain. They were not designed for running. Kasinic's radio was picking up very brief voices but mostly static and Morso claimed that the area was clear. It was decided that they only pitch one tent in the case of them having to flee in an emergency. Morso took out his tent and assembled it. "We will camp, but we will leave as soon as there is light" Morso said as he was putting in one last pike into the dirt. The others agreed. "We don't need to put a fire together this close to the wreckage we just caused but we need to save the flashlight battery" Prirmenha claimed. Flel could feel that something was wrong with his foot and needed to get a look at it. It felt as though it was swelling. "My foot is..." he held his tongue. It could wait until morning. He fought past the pain and removed his boots and could feel that his foot was swollen and it felt wet with blood. He laid down in the cramped tent with everyone. He took off his cloak and wrapped part of it around his foot to hopefully stop the blood then he drifted off to sleep.

He awoke in a chapel. There were stained glass windows on the walls with no light coming through with paintings of inverted pentagrams. Total silence surrounded him. He immediately sensed the evil in the room and reluctantly walked over to the windows and saw that a story was painted on them. A man holding a book on one, then on the next a robot holding a book, then a human with the head of a goat holding a book. "Reaffirm your faith child" a voice echoed out. Flel recognized the voice as the Lower Creator. He turned around to see a throne of silver where the Lower Creator sat. He looked the same as before and held a staff with a red orb glowing atop it. "I will give you another choice." He said with a smooth soft voice, "This chapel represents my creation. Like the Higher Creator, I am destined to create. As long as time has existed, we have created. We both have our own intentions, but it is why we exist." Flel admired the size of the throne as it was lit by candles illuminating enough of the room to slightly be able to see.

The Lower Creator continued, "In some instances I mold what he has made into something better, in some instances he does the same to my creations. In a sense, we are builders of the same ark. If you join me, you will have powers greater than you will ever know. Your mother is a loyal servant of mine, it took some time, but she now also recognizes the importance of the work I do." Flel took a step back and gasped. "My mother is dead!" he screamed. "She is very much alive now. Join me and be part of something greater. The world that you know is changing, as are other worlds." The Lower Creator said. Flel was angry but thinking about his mother. He was also wondering why the Higher Creator is not reaching out to him. "You destroy planets, you only create destruction" Flel said. The Lower Creator continued, "I am simply giving your species a push. There is a greater goal than you see now." The Lower Creator said. "Why is the Higher Creator not coming to you, you are thinking, it is because he has lost hope with your path. I see potential. I have seen you many times before. This is the first time that I am giving you multiple chances. Join me and let me intervene further in your path." "I will never join you!" Flel screamed, then awoke in sweat. He looked around nervously and felt how sweaty his body was.

Morso had the sorest of arms from pushing Prirmenha for so long. It was a huge relief to lay flat, even on the hard tent flooring. The sounds of wind and birds gently nudged him to sleep. He awoke in a field of flowers like nothing he had ever seen on Kvasir. He looked down at his hands and could see the calloused palms but they felt little pain now. He could smell the flowers and breathed in the clean air. "Morso" someone said behind him. He turned around and there was an old man in a white robe. "You are safe here. This is my garden." The man pointed at the flowers. "The Lower Creator has been getting stronger and the flowers have begun to wilt everywhere else, but here I watch over them and tend to what remains." Morso looked confused, "Who are you?". "You know me as the Higher Creator. I have been watching you and your friends. I gave you your gift a long time ago in hopes that you could change the outcome this time." he continued. "This time?" Morso replied. Morso looked up and saw stars above the meadow and garden and wondered how the ground was lit as bright as it was. "Yes, at all costs, the Lower Creator cannot intercede with the use of the Clock, if he does then he can once again change the fabric of the universe to allow him to breed man into his image again." "I see. But this is just a dream, why is my family dead?" Morso said with anger and sorrow. Morso awoke and there was just enough light to see the shadows from trees swaying outside of the tent. He could feel the pain in his hands once again but remained silent about it. He told the group that he dreamed of a meadow beneath the stars.

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