Epilogue: Wolves and potions

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It's been 5 years since Jaime died and I started this new chapter of my life. With the passing of the time, I had come to learn that werewolves are interesting beings.

For one, when they're in wolf form, they have no sense of how massive they are, and it's not out of the ordinary for Lewis to push things off the table or shelves. His home is not small, it's even bigger than mine, and still he found ways to break things.

Lewis, being a smithy before he turned into a werewolf, knew how to build and make so many cool things. His door had an intricate iron pattern molded perfectly into the wood, making it look almost enchanted. His furniture followed the same intricacy, with beautiful details and patterns.

The first few days we worked on setting up a place for me to keep my magic stuff, and after some planning, we decided to keep my cauldron outside, like I did in my cabin. It was almost right next to his forge and smelter, but I was happy we could work and keep each other company.

The town was quite pretty and welcoming, about 15 minutes away from the house. They would often buy Lewis weapons, furniture, tools and other knick knacks. Soon they caught wind of a nature witch living with him, so they started buying me sachets and potions too.

He would often help me with his heightened sense of smell to find special mushrooms and herbs when I needed it, and he would always come with me to find resources in the woods nearby. Standing protectively next to me, and even helping with my heavy bags filled with stones, bones and plants.

He even introduced me to the coven that lived about half an hour away from his house. Our house.

They were smaller than the coven that kicked me out, but that was in no way a reflection of how powerful they were. Most of them, if not all, were adept at transfiguration and shapeshifting magic. Something I had only learned about in books.

They followed a hierarchy, with women as their primary elders. Their teaching practices were much more controlled, but by the time they were adults they had completed their training, having chosen an animal to shapeshift into. The choice in animals would sometimes depend on the conven's needs, but most of the time they would have free will on what animal they wanted to channel.

They were kind people, and even accepted to trade with me. I taught them what I knew about nature magic and herbs from other climates, as well as what I had learned about fire magic. I taught them about potions and sachets, and how to brew a good potion to heal someone quicker.

In exchange, they started teaching me how to shapeshift, knowing that it would be helpful to accompany Lewis when he was in wolf form. To annoy the hell out of him, I didn't choose a wolf, instead, I chose an ordinary cat.

"A cat?", he rolled his eyes as he made his way over a fallen tree, "of all the animals, you went with 'cat'?"

"Yeah, I thought it might be a good idea. I can see in the dark, I'm agile... Cats are cute and very significant to witches, you know?", I said, containing my laughter with a matter of factly voice.

"But did it need to be a cat??"

"You look cute when you're annoyed", I said, imitating his voice before I bursted out laughing.

I hadn't learned to come in and out of the cat form fast enough though, it was draining, painful and I was still trying to get accustomed to the change. It was fascinating magic though, and I was determined to get better at it.

"Dumbass", he smiled, throwing some dried leaves at me from the ground.

The wind was getting colder every day, a sign that a long winter was just around the corner. So, we were preparing for the cold weather, gathering wood, food, and things I would need to brew potions and practice magic.

"Come on, Wolfie~," I cooed, trailing my fingers down his body, "don't get angry with me."

"Don't start, Kitten", he said smirking, looking down at me.

Things were good.

For now.

Of Wolves and Potions: A Short StoryDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu