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If you wish to start reading at Chapter 1 and give your insights that would be greatly appreciated as I currently do not have the money to hire an editor and I know that it needs a good bit of work. I will happily take suggestions and once I publish the book I will include you as an editor of the novel. Thanks in advance for reading this! Also, some of the formatting might seem odd, but this is because I wrote this in word and placed it in here so paragraphs are not properly indented. I have tried to fix this issue so hopefully if it is still there, it is minimal. I really appreciate the read! Feel free to tear it apart with comments and suggestions as I will always continue to add to the story if I feel the need to, I know the prologue is rough.


Part 1: The Meadow Beneath the Stars



Copyright © 2021 C.L. Provost

All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Every creator has a flaw.

Every mutation has a flaw.

Every man has a flaw.

Illogical thought is a flaw.

The flaws will be challenged.

The challenged will be affirmed.

-Excerpt from the Encyclopedia of Logical Thinking Forerunners



ery early in the history of the universe, space was empty yet full of energy. 

This burst of energy is known as the false vacuum which was highly precarious and sporadic during the growth of the universe. A new, more stable version of vacuum later appeared and quickly engendered as the alpha-male in command of the universe. This transition unleashed a tremendous amount of energy and caused an expansion of the universe. There is a chapter in the Encyclopedia of Logical Thinking Forerunners that suggests that there exists a more stable vacuum that could possibly be harnessed in the future but the Higher Creator bars it from being used. As the universe infinitely expands and cools down, small bubbles of this barred vacuum might appear and spread at the speed of light but only in small bursts. The laws of physics change and sudden blasts of energy cause a slow destruction of the star or planet where it occurred.

From below, Keithua's ship appeared as a large satellite orbiting what was left of the Earth. The ship was called the Materina Space Station. "I can tell that the Earth is dying. I knew it would happen and I could not help it from its imminent death. Only a human's mind would know if his planet were dying because only a human can feel the empathy of others. Even without the sight of it, I know it is happening. It is not the planet per se, but the people," he thought to himself. He could sense the agony and pain of his race fighting to find a way to survive a future where safety would reside. He could see the souls of the people of earth laying down and being thankful that the end has come in such a fashion as this, where there could possibly be an escape in given time. "This was something that became aware to me alone in the darkness. I knew that this would happen. I knew that this would happen more slowly than quickly. I knew, but never told anyone before..." Thought Keithua in the vastness of the void.

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