Siege: Silver?


Siege: ... Once the CPUs have all recovered, tell Ray to call them all back outside. You think you could do that for me?

"Huh? Umm, yeah, sure. I can do that. But even though I already know the answer, I gotta ask. Why?"

Siege then looked at his hand before clenching it into a fist.

Siege: ... I figured I'd take a page out of our old friend "Mr. Vagabond's" book, and explain to our new friends the truth... The truth about Duel Monsters. [2]

Back inside, Rachel was watching the four CPUs like a nurse at the local hospital, hoping that they would all get better.


Rachel suddenly gasped, as she suddenly began hearing the voice of the young man known as "Silver" in her head. When she turned around, Silver was floating right beside her.

Rachel: Hey, long time, no see! How've you been doing?

"Aw, ya know. Same old, same old."

Rachel chuckled with the see-through individual, before Silver's face turned a bit serious.

"How are they? Has each of their colds gone down?"

Rachel: Yeah, I think so. I helped out by making some nice, warm chicken noodle soup to help warm them up. Right now, they just need some rest.

"That's good. For a second there, I was getting kinda worried."

After a bit of silence between the two, Silver decided to continue the conversation.

"Listen... When those girls wake up, could you have them meet Siege outside?"

Rachel: Huh? What for?

"... He's gonna reveal it to them..."

Rachel's eyelids widened when she heard Silver's response.

Rachel: (So, Az is finally gonna do it, is he? Heh! If only ol' red hat was here!)

Rachel looked back at the spirit and gave him a big smirk.

Rachel: Consider it done!

Silver couldn't help but smile at the red-haired girl. He then disappeared, as he more than likely went back outside.

30 Minutes Later

After a half-hour of the CPUs getting better (most thanks to Rachel looking out for them), she informed the girls that Azure wanted to talk with them outside. Though a little confused, they reluctantly agreed and went back outside to greet the duelist in blue.

Rachel: Hey, Az!

Azure turned around and saw Rachel, Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert all standing behind him, and greeted his friends with a slight smirk.

Siege: Oh, hey guys. How are you all feeling?

Neptune: Hey Azure! We're doing great!

Vert: Yes. Rachel has been very helpful in helping us recover from the last Duel.

Upon hearing this, Azure let out a huge sigh of relief.

Siege: *Sigh* ... That's good.

Noire, Blanc and Rachel all noticed something off about the duelist in blue, and it made them feel a little uneasy, with Rachel being the first one to point it out.

Rachel: Az, you feeling okay?

Siege: Huh? Oh, yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. Totally fine...

"Pfft... Yeah... Sure... Totally fine..."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Dueling Goddesses (Yu-Gi-Oh! x Hyperdimension Neptunia Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now