iv. Play Pretend, Vol. 5

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eek!! i can't believe i've actually managed to make a playpre cover that doesn't irk me in the slightest?? like, with the previous covers, i've always been somewhat unsure of some elements and wished my text matched my abilities with the people in the cover but this one i feel like everything is just ─ 👌👌👌👌! i know it kind of looks like a cliché wattpad romcom chick flick, but i'm so so so proud of this nonetheless.

i haven't been using any psd colourings on my covers lately. i've just discovered how to make one on my own (like i said i'm slowly transitioning into photoshop/photopea now) and it's been one hell of an adventure. i feel like i have more control of my covers now. shoutout to Raichia again; saw this tip in one of her graphic books. (i still use psd colourings on my icons, but i try not to make it too visible because sometimes it pixelates the picture so much)

here's the materials i used for this cover:

thanks for holiday grainger as robin ellacott in strike for a wide range of materials

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thanks for holiday grainger as robin ellacott in strike for a wide range of materials. i've used her as the victim of my body swaps for the third time now, and it's not stopping there hihi 😊😊

that's all from me for now. keep safe and see you!! <33

 keep safe and see you!! <33

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