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Nicky and Louis walked into the private club and seen Harry at the bar with a girl.. Erica was her name. 

They approached and Louis hugged Harry from behind. Harry jumped a little but quickly recognized Louis and turned to give him a real hug.

Nicky gave Erica a hug and greeted her then melted into Harry's arms. 

Even after everything that happened between the two, they were as close as ever. Like family.

"Fuck, I missed you, Haz!" She exclaimed

And Louis cleared his throat and she corrected herself.. "I meant Harry.. oops"

Erica pulled a confused face and asked "Why'd you change the name for him?"

Harry grinned and said "Because Louis here gets a little jealous when other people use my nickname that he gave me"

Louis' cheeks went red and Nicky giggled. 

"yeah.. so we can't call him Haz or Hazza because those are Louis' nicknames for him" Nicky chimes in

"I came up with Harold aswell.. but whatever.." Louis said while giving Harry a grin.

"Yeah, And I call him Lou-Bear.. and no one else can" Harry adds the last part while sending Nicky a glare.

She laughs then orders her and Louis drinks. 

"We call these two Larry.. they're protective over each other and have the best friendship ever" Nicky smiled as she spoke.

"Yeah.. and Liam and Niall are Niam" Louis shared

"Oh, how are they?!" Harry asks, getting excited at the mentions of their friends

"They're going strong.. They're actually so cute.. Here, let me show you a couple pictures!" Nicky says as she gets her phone.

She goes to the pictures she has of the two and she stands next to Harry to show him.. She adds a little explanation with each picture..

"This is when Niall took Liam to a ball game"

"This is when Niall took Liam to a ball game"

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"And they face times me while walking around London and I took these screenshots.." 


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"Then this one, they sent them to me"

"Then this one, they sent them to me"

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"Awww oh they're actually so cute!!" Harry gushes

"Can I see?" Erica politely asks

Nicky steps over and shows her all the pictures.. 

"They were best friends that always flirted.. then they started dating and they're just as happy as can be now!!" Nicky explains

Erica smiles and says "They look like the perfect couple!" 

After partying all night and dancing and drinking, Nicky was tired and wasted and ready to go home. She tugged on Louis' arm and he turned away from the conversation he was having with the bartender and his eyes went wide when he seen the state of his girlfriend.

"Woah, babe, you okay?" He asks

"I think I drank too much.. I feel like.. I'm gonna.. pass out" She started to get dizzy and suddenly, her vision blacked out and she fell into Louis' chest..

Louis caught her and yelled at the bartender. He and Louis knew each other and the bartender knew Louis' security guards so he called for them and they came running over. One helped get people out of the way while the other opened the door and the car doors..

Louis carried Nicky to the car and got her in then ran back inside to find Harry.. He found him kissing Erica and he had to awkwardly stop them.

"Uh, Nicky just passed out. She's, like, really drunk and I'm gonna get her back to the hotel!" he explains quickly

"Shit.. Keep her safe, yeah?" Harry says

"Yeah, of course.. Nice meeting you, Erica, and see you Haz!" 

Louis grabs Harry and hugs him tight then runs back out of the club..

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