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She walked in the door and found Louis packing clothes. He stopped when he seen her then his hands wandered to the little box in her hands.

"You got it?" 

She nods.

"Okay.. uhm.. lets sit down, yeah?" 

She nods again.

She takes his hand and they go sit on the couch. She fiddles with the box in her hands and Louis just kinda stares at her..

"Do you wanna do it?" He asks quietly

"Do you want me to?" She asks back

"Well.. We just got back together.. and.. I'm growing in the music industry and might go on tour soon.." Louis mumbles

"And.. I'll be here.. alone.. right?" She asks, talking about the tour

"Well.. I was thinking.. if we work out, you could, maybe, go with me." He scratches the back of his neck nervously

"So.. I should take this, right? Because.. If I go with you, it'll be too much to be pregnant and be traveling with you.. and paparatzzis and interviews and crazy fans.. it's dangerous, right?" She asks while looking up and locking eyes with him.

"Yeah.. it could be dangerous.. so.. maybe.. yeah." He nods slowly

"Okay.. I think I should take it." She says with a bit more confidence

"Okay.. Let me get you a glass of water." He kisses her cheek then goes to the kitchen. 

When he comes back, she's got the box open and has the little pill in the palm of her hand.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I have no idea how hard this must be for you.." he whispers as he holds the cup of water tightly.

"Yeah.. I'm not ready to have a  baby yet.." She looks up at him and he just nods then kisses her lips before handing her the water.

She slowly puts the pill in her mouth then takes a couple drinks of the water.

She swallows and breathes heavily.

"Are you okay, darling?" He asks, his voice full of care

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm good.. Let's pack so we can go get Hazza. Did you call Liam and Niall?"

"Yup. Niall's gonna go with us. So.. it'll be the five of us again, when we get Harry."

They go to the bedroom and he packs the rest of his things. She fixes her hair a bit in the mirror then says "I've gotta go to my place and get clothes.."

"I'll take you.. haven't been to that place in a while.." He zips his bag then turns to her.

"Okay.. Hey, who's booking the flights?" She asks as they walk towards the front door.

"Uh, Liam.. He's got all that under control.. and I sent him enough money to pay for our tickets."

She stops and turns to him.

"You did not have to pay for mine, Louis! Let me pay you back!" She argues 

"No.. Just kiss me a whole bunch and be my girlfriend.. that'll make up for it" He shrugs.

Love Game ~ (Louis Tomlinson AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora