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They woke up eventually and parted ways.. 

She got a cab and went back to her home while Louis stayed at his

In her house, she felt a bit empty

She felt alone

She hated that being without him already made her feel this way... so she started painting to take her mind off of everything.

She left her phone in her room so she wouldn't be tempted to text him

She cleared her mind and dressed in something baggy that didn't smell like him.

She grabbed oranges, yellows, and reds then started on a new canvas..

After hours of singing and humming and painting alone, she heard her phone ringing in the next room. She walked in to get it and seen it was her brother calling.

"Hello, Michael"

"Hey, sis! Busy at all this week?"

"Uh.. probably not.. Why?"

"I'm gonna be up that way.. was wondering if I could stop by sometime?"

"Sure.. I'll be home. I always am, pretty much.."

"Alright, Not sure the day or time or anything.. I'll just pop in."

"Okay, see you then"

"Okay, bye, sis"

"Bye, Mike"

He groaned in annoyance at the old nickname then she hung up the phone. She noticed a message from Louis that said "My friends want me to make a group chat with you in it?? U down??"

She typed back a simple "Sure" then seconds later, he read it, and she got a notification that she had been added to a group chat with several other numbers..

Love Game ~ (Louis Tomlinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now