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"Michael! You're here again!" Nicky said as her brother answered the door.

"Yeah, I come by like every other weekend to check on mom and dad.. what're you doing here?" He asked.. then he seen Louis. "Hey, man!" He steps out and bro-hugs the singer then says "Literally heard you on the radio!" Louis says "yeah, what'd you think?"

"Well, it was real sweet what you said about Nicky here.. and the song sounded good, mate"

"Thanks, glad you liked it.." Louis smiled.

"Mom and dad both home?" Nicky asked

"yeah, go on in, you two" Michael smiled at his sister

They all go in and Nicky sees her mom and dad in the kitchen. 

"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad." They turn and smile at their daughter and she continues.. "I have someone I want you both to meet.."

She steps to the side, showing Louis who was a bit behind her. He steps fully into the kitchen and she introduces him.. 

"This is my boyfriend, Louis.. Louis, this is Martha, my mom, and that's David, My dad" 

"Hello, Ma'am" he shakes her mom's hand "Sir." he shakes her dad's hand

"Nice to meet you, Louis.. Can I get you a tea?" Her mother asks.

"No, that's okay.. but that you, Ma'am" he smiles to her and she nods. 

He looks back up at her father and he's got a warm, excepting smile on his face.

"Like football?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. I used to play for my home team in Doncaster."

"Doncaster.. hmm.. Never been. Always wanted to go." Martha chimed in

"It's real nice there.. Sunny but cool. Just the right temperature for a footie game, honestly" Louis smiles.

Subconsciously, Nicky reaches down and takes his hand, giving it a gentle, happy squeeze which he returns.

"You'll be staying for dinner?" David asked

Louis looked down at Nicky for the answer..

"Uh, we hadn't planned to.. we didn't want to just show up and intrude.." She tells her parents

"Oh, well alright.. Stay at least to talk for a bit? We wanna get to know your man a bit more" her mom winks at her

"Of course we'll stay.. and maybe I will have a cup of tea..?" Louis says as he turns back to Martha, and he adds "If it's not too much trouble.." 

Martha smiles and says "No trouble at all.. you go make yourself right at home in the sitting room and I'll have it right out to you.. Sugars? Cream?" "Two and no thank you". She nods and starts making the tea.

Nicky leads her boyfriend to the sitting room and they share the couch. Michael sits on the love seat. Then David sits in his recliner.

"So, tell me how you two met?"

"oh.. uhm." Louis starts.. obviously nervous..

and Michael cuts in and says "their friends knew each other. They were all at a place down town and they got introduced."

Nicky gives Michael this 'thank you' look and Michael just nods.

"Yeah, his friends are super cool too.. We all hang out a lot now" Nicky says.

But that all reminded her of the Harry-situation and she bit her bottom lip, trying to forget it again..

"And where do you live, Louis? Close to her?" Her dad asks

"Uh, about 30 minutes away on a good day without traffic." Louis nods

"And have you two slept together?" Her dad suddenly asks.

Michael chokes on the water he was drinking and starts actually coughing like he's gonna suffocate.

Nicky's face is bright red and her eyes are wide.

"No, sir.. We actually have not. We've only been together a couple weeks.." Louis answers with a serious face.. even though Michael and Nicky both knew that was a lie.. but her father believed it.

Love Game ~ (Louis Tomlinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now