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Back at Niall's, they changed and got into Niall's bed. 

Niall was wearing long shorts while Nicky wore Niall's hoodie and a pair of sweat pants. 

As they both just laid in the bed, staring at the dark ceiling, Niall suddenly said "Can I ask you something really important?"

and she turned on her side a little and said "Sure.. what is it?"

Niall sat up completely and crossed his legs under him. She did the same and they were both facing each other.

"You've gotta tell me the truth, okay? Please." He says in all seriousness.

She was getting worried now..

"I promise I'll tell the truth, no matter what."

"Did you hurt yourself?"

The question ran through her mind several times before she quite understood it. 

Of course, she knew what he meant.. Like she understood what he meant..

But how was she to tell him the truth about this??

Apparently, her silence spoke for her.. and she knew that because Niall suddenly sniffled and wiped his cheek.. He was crying..

"Niall.. why're you crying?" 

"Because.. you were upset enough that you hurt your body and I wasn't even there to help" 

"I shut you out.. It was my fault, Niall" 

"No. No, I should've been there for you!" 

"This isn't your fault! I did it to myself, I shut you out! I shut everyone out.. Niall.. look at me.."

She tried to calm him down but his hands were in his hair and he couldn't breathe.. She recognized this as an anxiety attack so she grabbed his shoulders and pulled the boy between her legs. He was curled up in a ball between her legs and she ran her fingers through his messy blonde locks.

"Babe.. You're alright.. I've got you.. I'm right here." She whispered to him

He calmed down slowly then he whispered "I am so sorry.. I've never freaked out like that in front of anyone.."

"But you do when you're alone?" She asked quietly

He slowly nodded. She pushed him back up so he was sitting, facing her, but still in her lap, and she whispered "I'm here now.. and whenever this happens again, I'll be here. Just call me, Niall. Please"

"Will you.. show me?"

"Show you?" She questioned

"like, how bad.." He mumbled as he let his gaze fall to her thighs. He brought one hand to the side of her thigh and stared at her clothed leg..

"I guess... but don't.. don't tell anyone. Not Louis. Or Liam. Or my brother" She sternly says

He nods and scoots back a little. 

She's not self conscious so she just takes the sweat pants completely off and sits in front of him. Her hands are covering her thighs though.

He grabs her sides and slowly moves her back so she's sitting against the head board. He grabs her legs and lays them straight out so they're not curled up under her.. then he takes her hands and slowly moves them off her thighs..

It's dim in the room, but the moonlight coming in the window makes it all visible..

There were many deep, slowly healing cuts in her legs..

They were all kinda healing.. but they looked very red and irritated.. Probably from having the jeans on.

"Stay right here, okay?" He whispered to her. 

She slowly nodded and he got out of the bed and returned several minutes later with a wet wash cloth..

He crawled up between her legs, sitting on his knees in front of her, and he gave her a reassuring look before very gently starting to clean the cuts..

It stung.. She held his free hand tightly. She shut her eyes and winced and bit her bottom lip.. but she didn't stop him. 

When he was finally done and had cleaned all of them, he had counted somewhere between 23 and 27

She had really hurt herself.. and they were all bad and deep.. 

"You gotta try to stop doing this to yourself.." He whispered 

"I know.. it just.. I was alone and I pushed everyone away.. and I didn't know what else to do.." 

"Never.. ever do this.. I hate to see you like this. I hate seeing you cry.. I hate this.."

He slowly moved his finger tips very very lightly over to marks and bit back tears again.

For probably an hour they stayed that way, him telling her sweet things that he actually really meant and just sitting there, trying fixing every thing she was upset about..

Eventually, he leaned down and pressed a very soft kiss to a place between the many cuts on her thigh. She started to cry as he planted very soft, loving kisses on her skin and whispering to her in between each, telling her she'd be okay..

She's so lucky to have a best friend like him.

They both fell asleep, him laying with his head on her stomach and her hands in his hair..

When they woke up, it was because Niall's phone was ringing.. and Liam was calling.

He reached over and answered then stuck it to his ear.

"Ello, mate" 

"Hey, Niall.. I spoke to Harry. He's alright."


"Yeah.. better than alright, actually.. He's in New York"

Niall just about choked on his own spit. He sat up quickly, now being between the girl's legs instead on laying on her, and he said "HE'S WHERE?!"

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