Chapter 3: Meeting Cosmo

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3rd POV:

It was almost morning, the moon was setting down. The perfect place to watch the moon going down is in, Moonlight Cliff, or Starsnatch Cliff that's what people call it in the present.

At the top of the cliff, sitting a few inches away from the edge, was a white-haired boy with a baby in his lap. The baby was asleep, while the white-haired boy was humming, with a smile on his face.

Then, footsteps can be heard, a black-haired man, with red bloody eyes, was walking behind them. The boy didn't move, he just continued humming and didn't look back.

The man was now standing behind him before sitting down beside him. The white-haired boy chuckled as the man put his head onto his shoulder before rubbing the baby's right cheek with his fingers.

"He is so adorable, isn't he, sunshine?" The man commented as he kissed the white-haired boy on his right cheek while the boy laughed.

"Of course he is. All babies are adorable." The boy replied, the man chuckled

"I guess you're right. All babies are adorable." The man in a soft tone

"Hey, can you sing a song?" The man request

"Hmmm, alright, if that's what you want, love." The man smiled at his boyfriend, and he closed his eyes, as the boy started to sing in a soft, beautiful and calm tone, that can make anyone go to sleep.

"M... I ....ak..... th.. last ...anc...?"

Cosmo's POV:

"I CAN'T SLEEP!!!!" I yelled to no one. Good thing my room is soundproof, so I can scream anytime I want to so that I can release all my anger and stress.

The reason I can't sleep is because I'm a Star. No, I'm not a celebrity or anything, by I mean that I'm a Neutron Star. There are three types of stars: Starlings, Neutron Stars, and lastly Cosmic Stars.

Starlings are, no, they're not birds nor anything that mortals call them. They are the youngest stars. Starlings grow a little slower than humans. They are still Starlings until the age of 500 yrs old. When they are 500 yrs old, they are now called Neutron Stars, like me.

Neutron stars are teenagers. We usually go adventuring, playing around, causing trouble, and many more. We are like teenagers here on Earth, some cause trouble and do many activities, while others don't do anything, just read, watch, etc. When we are 2,500 yrs old, we are now called, Cosmic Stars. Also, I'm 2,307 yrs old.

Now, lastly, we have Cosmic Stars, these are the adults. They are the coolest and most powerful stars ever, they go to different dimensions, create a PLANET, and they can even change their appearance. Now, that's why I want to be a Cosmic Star. Almost all of us Starlings and Neutron Stars want to be Cosmic stars.

My mom is the God of the universe and dimensions and is the most powerful, dangerous, and scariest Cosmic Star to ever live. My mom is male, so yeah, and he doesn't mind being called mom or Mama. After all, he did create me in the first place, I didn't meet my father, he died when I was a baby.

Ok! Enough storytelling, I want my mother! I'm not very good at explaining things, so yeah.

Oh, wait, I forgot to mention that we are Immortals. Now, you might think we can live forever. No! We don't live FOREVER. We can still die. If a Star dies, they will be reincarnated to another world, or dimension, and become normal, or not so normal, human.

And that's all for now, I need to see Mom right now.

I teleported to where my mom is, which is in Starnatch Cliff. That's what call it in the present, and I saw him sitting on the edge looking at the sky.

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