Darth Vader

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The Marauder was pulled up into the Star Destroyer.  Everyone put their helmets on and had their are weapons pointed at the door.  The door started to creak and it fell over to the outside.  Troopers started shooting at them, but the Batch had the higher ground.  Omega shot her arrows and hit tons of the troopers.  "Nice job kid!"  Echo yelled over the chaos.  Echo and Tech were hit by the stun rays, and the arm Hunter was using his gun with was shot by the rays, too.  His arm fell limp and he used his other arm to throw his knife at the troopers.  The knife went through the troopers armor into his knee and he fell over.  Hunter grabbed his gun and started shooting the troopers.  Suddenly all of the attackers stopped shooting and turned around and they saluted to a figure in black black armor, and a helmet that was odd and different to all of the other helmets. It even looked a lot different compared with the Batches helmets.  Hunter had a memory flash and remembered that this person, was Anakin.  Or used to be before he turned to the dark side.  Now he was Darth Vader. Omega stayed close to Hunter, seeing that he started getting worried.  Omega shot her one of her arrows at Vader, but it stopped mid flight, because he was using the force.  "You fool. You really think you could kill me that easy, did you?"  Omega grabbed on to Hunter limp arm, and didn't move or say anything. "She doesn't know that you are a force wielder," Hunter said groaning as the sences in his arm came back, which hurt.  Vader used the force and started to choke Hunter.  Omega looked up at him and yelled at Vader to stop.  Hunter wa s grabbing at his neck, almost about to lose all of his oxygen.  After a few moments Vader released his force grip on Hunters neck, Hunter fell to the ground gasping and holding his throat while coughing.  Wrecker and Omega were the only ones left that were able to fight.  Hunter dragged Echo and Tech into the ship and sat down in the driver's seat, starting up the ship to get ready to take off.  Suddenly a stun ray hit Wrecker.  "Get in the ship, kid!" Wrecker said before going unconscious.  Reluctantly Omega obeyed, not wanting to leave him behind. Once Omega got into the ship Hunter shut the door and took off out of the Star Destroyer, and then into hyper space.

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