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"Echo, I found Hunter.  Somebody captured him and is planning to sell him to the slave market," she said, wishing her voice didn't crack at the end of the sentence.  "Okay Omega, we're coming," Echo said.  "No, it will bring to much attention.  I'm going in, I'll comm you when we're out," before anyone could argue, she shut off her com's noise so that way it didn't been and give her away.  Omega set her blaster to stun and kicked the door open and shot the person standing in front of Hunter.  "Omega, you came.  Where are the others?" He asked, worried that something happened to her.  "They're in the ship waiting to pick us up, we have to go," Omega said.  She helped Hunter up from the spot on the floor where he was tied up and noticed that he had a shot mark on his left side.  "Did she shoot you?" Omega asked worriedly. "Yes, but I'll be fine," Hunter said groaning as he got up.  Omega commed Echo. "We need a pick up, now! I Found Hunter but he's hurt, and the person that captured him is starting to wake up again," Omega said hurriedly.  To late. The capturer got up and grabbed a blaster and pointed it at Hunters head.  "Hand him over and I'll spare your life," she sneered.  Before any one could blink, or even SPEAK, Omega took out her bow and pointed it at the...Bounty Hunter?  The Bounty Hunter dropped her blaster and stumbled back against the wall.  "Put that down!" She yelled.  Omega let the arrow glide right past the Bounty Hunters head and into the wall.  "What were you doing with my friend?"  Omega asked with an anger to her tone. "I was going to sell him to the slave market to put some money in my pocket." she said.  "Well that won't be happening," Echo said through the doorway. "Let's go, we'll cover for you guys!" He shouted. Omega helped Hunter to the ship, and once they got in the rest of the Bad Batch followed, and they flew into hyperspace.  Hunter sat down in his chair and held his side because the pain was getting worse.  "Hunter, we have medical supplies. Just sit tight and we'll help you.  Tech cleaned up the wound and bandaged it, and then took a step back.  "How does it feel?" Hunter was able to move around with a lot less pain, so it was working. "Better. Thank you, Tech," Hunter turned to Omega.  "And thank you for finding me Omega," He said as she hugged him.  "As I said Hunter, I don't know what I'd do without you.  Echo tapped Omegas shoulder.  "I have something for you, kid," he said and handed her her very own Bad Batch clone armor!  "Thank you Echo!"  Omega said and raced off to her sleeping quarters.  she put on the armor and tucked the helmet under her arm.  "I like it, kid.  You even look like a miniature Hunter!"  Wrecker laughed as Hunter's face turned into a bashful look.   


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