Rosie: "What's your address?"

Me: "Pinewood apartments, apartment 2, door D."

Rosie: "K, coming."

In about 10mins she's at my door. "It's open," I yell hearing her knock. She walks right in as if she does all the time.

"Wow, you look horrible." She says and walking over to me.

"Thanks," I grumble and take a drink of water. Yelling for her to come in didn't help my throat in any way. 

"Is that a boys sweatshirt?" She questions raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, but it's not what you think. Matt and I went for a drive and I left my jacket at work so he let me use his sweatshirt." I explain totally forgetting to give it back to him.

"Ok, if you say so. Did you eat anything?"

"No, I threw up twice at Matts house," I say and watched her look for food in my kitchen.

"You went to his house?" She asks still looking for food.

"Ya, I fell asleep in his truck and he didn't know where I lived so he just put me on the couch at his place," I say assuming that's how it went, and then start coughing again.

"That sounds bad. Do you have chicken noodle soup here?" She asks looking at me like I had some deadly decease. What's deadly is every time I cough my stomach muscles tighten making me want to vomit. 

"Ya, it's in the top cupboard," I explain after I stopped sneezing and coughing. After five minutes she comes back with the soup.

"Here eat this." I just nod and start eating. Then I heard a knock. I start to panic because what if John found me. He couldn't have I was careful. No one else knows where I live though. The place isn't even under my real name, how could he find me. Before I can stop her Rosie opens the door. I'm ready to try and run, but the person that walks in is a friend. Matt, thank gosh. Wait why is he here?

"Oh, hi, Rosie." He says a little confused.

"I was just about to leave, bye Anna, text me." She says and walks out the door. I'm going to get her for this. She's always trying to set up her other friends. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask and take another spoon of the soup.

"I forgot to give you your backpack back." He says and sets down my bag.

"Oh, thanks, I would have totally forgotten," I say forgetting about it already. I don't plan on working on it right ow.  "Can I ask you a question?" I ask hoping he would say yes.

"Sure." He shrugs and takes a seat on the chair that's from my room. It's a desk chair that seems to go everywhere because I don't have a desk. 

"About last night, with my dream. Thanks for helping me and not freaking out." I say a little embarrassed. I remembered waking up to him, he'd looked so worried, but I was so tired. I remember falling right back to sleep as if I never woke up.

"No problem. Would you tell me what it was about?" He asks leaning his elbows on his legs. He was pushing for information again. 

"No." I state with no budge in my voice. I couldn't tell him, I just couldn't. I didn't want to think about it, let alone try and talk about it. 

"That's what I thought you were going to say." He says and turns on the tv.

"What are you doing? " I ask finishing my soup and putting it on the ground next to the couch. 

"I'm gonna stay here, to make sure you get better." He says and tries to get comfortable in the chair.

"That might take a few days," I say looking at him, but he just shrugs his shoulders.

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