Chapter 6

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Y/N: "Huh..?"

Y/N slowly opened his eyes as he noticed that he was laying on the ground. He dusted himself before regaining his senses, noticing that there were two things odd:

One: Someone draped a blanket over him.

Two: There appears to be a sticky note on his paper bag.

Pulling the sticky note out from the bag, he scanned over it quickly before crumpling and shoving it in his pocket.

Y/N: "So I suddenly went unconscious after our meeting... That's.. embarrassing. And I didn't even get fully energized yet. I still feel like I can barely hang onto my consciousness, albeit I can feel my face now so that works wonders."

His scroll suddenly rang, as he remembered the fact that he had duties as a doctor to attend to. And the fact that he potentially left Ozpin on hang for several hours.

Y/N: "Ah... Right! How could I forget? Of course!"

Holding up his scroll to his ear, he dialed back Ozpin, who picked up the call as the both of them were in silence.

Y/N: *sigh* '...Happy front, Y/N.'

???: "...I would ask about your unexpected radio silence for a couple of days, but that can come later. What is it?"

Y/N had been slightly shocked by this information. A couple of days?! He felt like he slept for an hour at best. Nonetheless, he slapped his cheek to get himself back in reality and addressed the phone call.

Y/N: "Ozpin! My friend, I come bearing some good and bad news regarding my findings!"

Ozpin: "Hm. Go ahead."

Y/N: "...I'm going to guess you want the good news first. The good news is; I've found a lead on our little 'Grimm' disease. The bad news; this might be a lot worse than both of us could've imagined."

Ozpin seemed to go silent on his side of the call, before rustling around his office and finally replying to Y/N.

Ozpin: "I'm listening."

Y/N: "I-Um... Can we discuss this at a more private location? I'd rather not damage our confidentiality right now. Not any further, that is.."

Ozpin: "What... Oh. I see where you're getting at. In that case, head back to my office when you're free to do so. We can discuss things further there. For now, carry on as usual. I'll see you soon."

Hanging up the call, Y/N merely placed the scroll in his coat pocket before slouching slightly, glad that he didn't get yelled at or anything. One less burden off his shoulder for now, at least.


Y/N: "Oya?" (Oh?)

Wandering near the source of the rumbling, he ended up at a sealed-up gateway that was presumably used by trains to carry resources to the city. What was strange though, was that the rumbling was behind a sealed-up wall that had train tracks leading from it.

Y/N: "Hmmm... What could be provoking this rumbling?"

Hopping down, he landed on the train tracks before dusting himself and assessing his surroundings in an orderly fashion. Well, as orderly as a sasquatch doctor can get.

Y/N: "...Well, that's none of my problems. Damn, I just screwed myself over, didn't I-"


A train smashed through a sealed-up gateway and almost ran over Y/N, who at the last second hopped above the train and avoided it.

Y/N: "Ha!"

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