Chapter 23

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The next few days passed much too quickly and soon it was time to go home. That didn't mean I was in a hurry though. Oh no. I laid my ass in bed until Quinn started nudging me. I huffed at him and pushed him away, but he just laughed as he ran his hands over my naked body. The cool air hit me in contrast with his warms hands and I shivered a little, scooting closer to him and tucking my face into his neck.

"We gotta get up and get ready to go, sweetheart." He murmurs, kissing my head and I let out a grunt of protest.

"No we don't. We can stay here forever. Just the three of us." I say with a pout. His low chuckle makes my body come to life despite the soreness between my legs from all of our activities over the last few days.

"You have school tomorrow." He reminds me and that just makes me groan louder.

"I hate school." I pout like a child. He laughs louder and runs his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Come on. Let's get ready to go." He says and slaps my ass gently. I groan and tilt my hips up, sticking my ass out a little and his eyes darken as he runs his tongue along his bottom lip.

"I suppose we could put off leaving for a little while." He says with a wicked smirk as he moves behind me.

Much later than anticipated, I help Quinn load our bags into the car and watch as locks the door. He gives me a smug grin as he hands me the keys.

"Those are yours now." He says with a smile and I huff out a laugh, twirling the key in my hand.

"I still can't believe you did that." I say and he shrugs.

"It's a great cabin in a great location. The fact that I've fucked you on every surface inside is just a bonus." He says and I tilt my head back to laugh, shaking my head at him playfully.

"Did you think that would happen when you brought me here?" I ask him teasingly and he sighs a little and grabs my hand.

"No. I definitely didn't. But I'm not complaining." He says with a smile and we drift into a comfortable quiet for the rest of the ride.

When we get back, I grab my bag from the trunk and head towards my house. Quinn grabs me and spins me back into his chest, smashing his lips on mine.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks and I smile up at him.

"Home." I say and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Oh. Ok." He says disappointed and I chuckle, running my hand down his cheek.

"I'm just going to grab some clean clothes and I'll be over." I say and his face brightens.

"Alright." He says, kissing me again before grabbing Hank from the backseat and heading into his house.

I turn and see Izzy and Sadie on the front porch in their running clothes gaping at me. I groan inwardly and roll my eyes, not looking forward to this confrontation.

"What the fuck, Briar?" Sadie says as soon as I hit the first step. I don't answer, just push passed her into the house.

"Did you have a nice weekend?" Izzy asks and I huff out a laugh.

"Yes I did. Thank you, Izzy." I say with a smile as I grab another bag and add some clean clothes in it, deciding to do laundry at Quinn's so I don't need to come back here.

"What are you doing? Are you moving out? You can't do that. You're on the lease." Sadie says, panicking as I pack a bag, both of them standing at my doorway watching me.

"I'm not moving out. I'm just going to hang out at Quinn's. I'll probably be staying there more often." I say and Izzy gets a little frown.

"You don't like it here anymore?" She asks and I laugh again.

"No Izzy. I don't like listening to my roommate who I thought was one of my best friends fuck my ex boyfriend every other night. The same one he cheated on me with. If you want this room we can switch, I don't care." I say and Sadie scoffs before she rushes off down the hall, slamming her door closed. Izzy looks at me with wide, sad eyes.

"I wish she hadn't done that." She says and I sigh.

"Yeah. Me too."

"But you could still forgive her, you know. Everyone makes bad decisions sometimes. I could be mad at you for the Quinn thing but I'm not." She says and I furrow my brows at her.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. She shrugs, averting her gaze before looking back at me.

"I told you I liked him but you went after him anyway. Even when you had a boyfriend." She says and I feel a burning rage in my gut at the idea of her with Quinn, but I try to push that away.

"You said you thought he was cute, but that you weren't going to ask him out. And I didn't develop these feelings until after I broke up with Brad. He was still just my friend until then. But that doesn't matter anyway because Quinn doesn't even like you." I say, a little more harshly than I intended but I am sick of these girls acting like I owe them anything.

"What do you mean he doesn't like me?" She asks, her eyes burning with anger.

"You talk too much. And if you had asked him out, he still would have ended up with me. He's mine. Because that's the way it's supposed to be." I say, shoving the last bit of my stuff into my bag. She gapes at me, squeaking a little in indignation before she snaps at me.

"You're such a bitch." She screams, pure venom in her tone. I just shrug and walk towards the laundry room, snatching the detergent that's mine off of the machine.

"Really? The food and toilet paper wasn't enough?" Izzy shouts at my retreating form.

"I'm sure you wouldn't want to use a bitch's things! You might get some bitch-nism on you!" I yell back.

"You had better hope Quinn is yours more than Brad was. I'd hate for the same thing to happen with him!" She shouts and I stare at her for a minute, trying to figure out why I was ever friends with her in the first place.

"I'm done, Izzy." I say firmly, walking quickly towards the door and slamming it shut on my way out.

I stomp over to Quinn's and through the front door, dropping my stuff inside. He comes out from his room, eyes wide and confused as he takes me in.

"Something wrong?" He asks and I shrug.

"No. I brought laundry detergent." I say and he chuckles.

"That yours too?" He asks and I nod. He cracks a smile at me and opens his arms. I rush over to him and snuggle into him as he holds me, helping to mend some of the fractured pieces of my heart from the terrible treatment of my old friends.

"You sure you're alright?" He asks quietly and I nod, taking a deep breath and untangling myself from his arms.

"Yeah. I just miss the cabin." I say and he smiles at me before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal and hold on to his shirt so I don't flip over until he puts me down.

"What the heck was that for?" I ask and he chuckles before spinning me around.

"Take a bath." He says, motioning towards his giant tub. "They always make you feel better. Maybe if you ask nicely I'll even join you." He purrs in my ear and I huff out a laugh.

"I don't really need you in there, actually." I say and his brows furrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asks and I give him a sly smile.

"Remember when I was watching Hank and you told me nothing weird?" I ask and he nods watching me curiously.

"Well, I broke the rule a little and used that handheld sprayer. It has excellent water pressure."

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