Chapter 4

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Hank and I head into the house and I shower, still annoyed with the way that guy treated Briar. I can't stand when guys act like they own a woman. It's a red freaking flag if I've ever seen one. An obvious sign that a man is predisposed to violence. And yet, he called me weird.

Fucking weird.

How old is that guy? Twelve?

I huff at the thought. I've been called worse things in my life and name calling really doesn't bother me, but the way Briar defended me had my shriveled heart warming for her a little. She's a sweet girl, it turns out, and I hate seeing her with a jerk like that. But it's her choice who she dates, so I'm not going to worry about it. I'll just stay away from her, despite how good she looks in tiny little running shorts.

Hank and I go a whole week without seeing any of the new 'birds' as my mind has started refering to them. But then Saturday night rolls around and our street is inundated with cars and drunken college students.

Fuck me.

Loud music blares from their house and I'm half tempted to call a noise complaint in to the cops. This isn't the campus. I bought a house far enough away not to hear this shit for a reason, but I don't want to be the asshole that ruins their party so I ignore it. Hank acts agitated, pacing around the house and flicking his ears every time the base drops. I feel bad for him. At least I can wear headphones.

Around midnight I lose my shit and stomp over to their front door, pounding on it until Douche Bag Brad opens it.

"What do you want?" He asks, slurring his words and swaying a little.

"Turn down the fucking music. This isn't a frat house, you have neighbors." I shout at him and he just scoffs at me.

"You gonna make me? I don't see how. You don't have your little puppy with you." He mocks.

"I can get him if you need me to." I snarl and am just about to leave when Briar pushes Brad out of the way. Her face lights up when she sees me and she claps a little.

"Oh my God, Quinn! You came! I knew you would." She says with a smile and I roll my eyes.

"I only came to ask you to turn down the music. Hank is freaking out and I'd like to sleep at some point." I say a little more harshly than I intended, but I'm still annoyed with her boyfriend. Her face instantly falls and I feel like an asshole.

"Oh. Sorry, yeah we'll turn it down." She says sadly and I sigh, running my hand through my hair.

"Yeah. Thanks." I say curtly, turning to walk away.

"Come on, babe. Let's go dance." I hear the meathead say. The door shuts behind me before I hear it open again.

"Wait!" Briar's melodic voice calls out. I turn around and she comes jogging up to me, her ankle apparently healed.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in for a drink? It could be fun." She says with a shrug. I chuckle and shake my head.

"This isn't my idea of fun." I say and she curls in on herself a little like she's ashamed she even asked. I reach out and grip her chin until she meets my eyes. "But thank you for inviting me." I say earnestly and she nods as I pull away.

"Is that proper protocol with introverts? Do you like to be invited, even though you don't want to actually go? Or does that just make you more uncomfortable?" She asks, her brows pinching in adorable confusion as she talks herself in tipsy circles. I chuckle a little at the sight and shrug.

"Most people still like to be invited." I say and she looks up at me.

"Are you most people?" She asks.

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