Chapter 10

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I spend the rest of the day and most of the next week in a shitty mood after my run in with Briar. The way she assumed I had a one night stand pissed me off, but it was the way she seemed jealous about it. Like she had any right to be. We aren't in a relationship and if I want to sleep with someone I can.

I mean, I don't want to.

But I can.

I can't even get hard without her face popping into my head and it's really annoying since I'm desperately trying not to have these feelings for her. And then she just ghosts me. Well, not really ghosts me since I haven't made any attempt to see her either, but usually not a day goes by without her asking to see Hank, or sending me a picture of some sweater she thinks he'd look cute in or a toy she thinks he'd like. I had broken my own fucking rule and went and gotten attached to someone who is very much so not available.

I groan in frustration at the thought as we go on nearly a week of no communication. I know she's seen Hank, I've watched through the window when she's snuck him hotdogs over the fence when she thought I wasn't looking. I had to fight the urge to go out there and shake some sense into her because as much as I hate to admit it, I fucking miss her.

Thoughts of her cloud my mind as Hank and I go on a run Saturday evening. We went this morning too, but I need to get out this anxious energy. I see her boyfriend's car pull up and she gets out with him. The sight of her has me distracted, my hold on Hank's leash loosens just as he sees the one prize that's always alluded him.

A rabbit.

"Ah, fuck." I mutter as Hank starts going ballistic, barking and snarling as he takes off in a dead run. His leash slips through my fingers before I can grab it and I take off after him.

"Hank!" I yell his name, but he rounds a corner chasing the fluffy creature and I lose sight of him.

"Fuck!" I shout, angry at myself for letting some girl mess with my head like this.

"Did you get him?" Briar asks. She must have followed me when she saw him take off.

"No." I say, angry at myself but Briar flinches at my hard tone.

"Sorry. I'm just pissed. I know better than to give him that much slack on his leash." I say and she nods before looking up at her annoying faced boyfriend.

"We'll help you look for him." She says and Brad rolls his eyes.

"Suuuure." He says with mock enthusiasm.

"It's fine. I'm sure you have better things to do." I say and Briar gives me a firm look.

"We'll help." She says with more heat behind it. I simply nod.

"Thanks." I say.

"Let's split up. We can cover more ground." She suggests and I take off in the other direction, not being able to stand looking at her when she's with that asshole.

I search for over an hour, checking my phone periodically hoping that Briar found him. It starts to get dark so I circle back towards my house, deciding to drive around instead. I'm nearing the corner to my block when I hear Brad's voice.

"Babe, we've been looking forever. It's getting dark. Let's just go back to the house. I'm sure that dog will find his way home."

"What? You just want to give up?" Briar asks incredulously and the guy sighs heavily.

"That dog is smart and well trained. He will find his way home. Let's just go back to your place and relax." He says and Briar scoffs.

"No, Brad! I'm not going to stop looking until I find him!" Briar shouts and Brad groans in frustration.

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