Chapter 9

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It had been a couple of weeks since the stomach bug fiasco. Brad had apologized to me and started making more of an effort in our relationship. It was nice, but it just didn't really feel the same anymore. I didn't trust him like I had before. Izzy was clueless to the whole situation, always off in her own little world and Sadie had been colder to me lately, basically ignoring me. I wasn't sure what that was about but I also didn't really care. Quinn had told me what she said when they left for the party and it pissed me off, so I ignored her back.

Very mature. I know.

But Quinn had turned out to be a surprise friend. He took me to his Sunday Dungeon night and I actually had a great time. The other guys seemed a little lost on how to handle a woman in their midst, but they did a good job of explaining things to me and I told Quinn I'd go again if he let me. He seemed surprised I had enjoyed it so much, but didn't tell me no. Otherwise our communication had been strictly related to Hank. Quinn never should have given me his number. That was his fatal mistake. I laugh quietly to myself at the thought as I look through our texts from the last couple of weeks.

When can I see my baby?

Hank is not a baby. And he is not yours.

He is a baby and I want to see him.

He's taking a dump right now. Go in the backyard.

Can I go on your run with you and Hank?


Why not?

Because I don't feel like saving you from oncoming traffic. I'm too tired for that shit today.

I'll pay attention I swear.

It's a public sidewalk.

When can I see Hank?

When you stop texting me.

For how long?

A year.

When can I see my baby?

He's not a baby.

Yes he is. He's our baby. We are co-parenting.

Don't ever say that again.

When can I see our son?

Shoot me now.

Fine. Then I get full custody. Put it in your will.

Can I come see Hank?

How about I just buy you your own dog?

No. I can't have a dog. But I can share yours.

He's a dog not a happy meal.

Annoying Quinn is half the fun, but he hadn't responded to my last couple of texts so I put my shoes on to prepare to go over there and demand attention. Just as I'm about to open the front door, I see an unfamiliar car pull up in front of his house. Quinn comes bounding out and opens the driver door. A blonde bombshell gets out, easily the most beautiful woman I've seen in person. She gives Quinn a wide smile that he returns before he pulls her into a tight hug and kisses her cheek. Hank comes bounding out of the house, letting out an excited bark. The woman bends down to catch him in hug, kissing his snout and he licks her face.


I watch as Quinn grabs her bag from the trunk and takes her hand, leading her into his house. A foreign feelings takes root in my gut. Like jealousy, but deeper and angrier. I check every few hours and the woman's car is still there. The longer it sits the fouler my mood gets, annoyed that she's over there with Quinn and Hank when part of me wants to be there again. I call up Brad to come over, but he makes up some excuse. He's barely been here since I got sick, I've had to go to his place and that just annoys me even more. I check out the window one last time and see the car still sitting there.

Mocking me.

All of the lights at Quinn's house are off and I feel sick to my stomach imagining what they're in there doing together. But then I snap myself out of it. I have no right to feel any kind of way about what Quinn does in his personal life. I have a boyfriend. He is just my neighbor. And my friend. My friend with a great dog that I like to borrow sometimes. I remind myself of that a few times as I put myself to bed, tossing and rolling for awhile as I stew in my unwanted emotions.

I wake up much earlier than usual and go for a jog by myself. It's not as much fun without Hank looking at everything and keeping me out of trouble. I get home just as Quinn is walking the woman to her car.

What a fucking gentleman.

He waves at me and smiles. I give him a half hearted wave back and hurry into my house. I don't miss the look of confusion on his face but I shut the door behind me without sparing him another look.

I shower and dress for a relaxing Sunday, wandering into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I go out back and sit on our little patio furniture, breathing in the chilly morning air. The leaves are beginning to turn and soon it will be time for the holidays. I sigh thinking about it, how much I miss my family and our traditions. I'm pulled from my thoughts by the scratching of claws on the fence and my eyes land on Hank. He's watching me with expectant eyes, his tongue hanging out before he whines a little. I smile and walk over to him, looking for Quinn but I don't see him so I scratch Hank's ear affectionately. He looks up at me with absolute devotion in his dark brown eyes and I fall a little more in love with him.

"You coming to Dungeons this afternoon?" Quinn's deep voice breaks through the peaceful quiet.

"Not today." I say, still scratching Hank, not looking at Quinn. He hums a little in thought before he takes a few more steps forward.

"Something wrong?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Nope." I say, popping the 'p'. I know I'm being a brat, but for some reason I can't help it.

"You sure?" He asks and I look up at him, his sparkling blue eyes watching me expectantly.

"I'm sure." I say. He shrugs and turns to walk away.

"Alright then." He says and I huff a little.

"It's nice that you walk her to her car the morning after. Not all men are so chivalrous." I say and he stops walking to turn and look at me curiously.

"I'm a nice guy." He says and I huff out a humorless laugh.

"Clearly not that nice if you make her come to you." I say and he grunts.

"What exactly are you implying, Briar?" He asks and there's a touch of amusement in his tone that pisses me off.

"I'm saying if you're going to have a one night stand the least you could do is go to her place. Most women are more comfortable in their own home." I say harshly. He watches me for a moment before he tilts his head back to let out a roarous laugh that even startles Hank. I watch him, completely confused, until he calms down.

"The woman you saw leave today was Jessie. My little sister. Definitely not a one night stand. And I would have introduced you if you hadn't been so rude." He says firmly and I feel all of the blood drain from my face, my previous righteous anger washed away by my embarrassment.

"And she comes to my house because she chooses to. Usually a few times a year. She's worried I get lonely. She's like you, trying to force me out of my comfort zone, to spend time with new people. Constantly trying to change me." He says bitterly and I scowl at him, annoyed with his suggestion.

"The only person I've ever tried to get you to spend more time with is me." I say hotly and that makes Quinn's body go rigid. He sighs, running his hand through his hair like he does when he's agitated before he comes stomping up to me.

He grips my chin and urges me to look at him. When my eyes meet his they're a storm of anger and a touch of longing. He looks at me for a long moment before he speaks.

"When you're pissed at me and I ask you if something is wrong, don't lie to me. I don't play those games. Just talk to me. Understood?" He asks and I nod, not breaking eye contact. He let's go of my chin gently before turning to walk away.

"You're right. You shouldn't go with me today. Hank. Come." He snaps and Hank follows the command, but looks back at me once before trailing Quinn into the house. But Quinn doesn't look at me again and that hurts worse than I thought it would.

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