"He's refusing to eat anything, and he hasn't said a word since he woke up," Lizzie overheard her dad talking to Emma. "I'm worried for him- If he cracks under his grief and turns his humanity off, it'll be that much worse when he flips it back on."

"So you're considering Professor Vardemus's offer, then?" Emma asked.

"I don't see what other choice we have. None of the teachers here have ever had experience with a ripper before. I hate to say this, but the Mikaelson Academy has more resources than we do. More contacts, more mentors. More ways to help MG," Alaric replied.

"But what about the students there? They were the ones who caused this in the first place. What's to stop them from going after MG again?" Emma wondered.

"Freya promised me that she'd look after MG personally. I think... I think the best choice we can take right now is to transfer MG to the Mikaelson Academy immediately," Alaric said.

"What?" Lizzie said, throwing open the door to her dad's office and marching inside. "Are you serious? You can't do that!"

"Lizzie," her dad said in surprise. "I didn't realize you were-"

"You can't make him go there! It's like you're always saying- The Mikaelsons are bad news. MG will have turned into a bloodsucking machine by the time they're through with him!" Lizzie shouted.

"Lizzie, I hate the Mikaelsons more than you do, but we have to think about this logically," Alaric said, trying to calm his daughter down. "The only thing the Salvatore School can do for MG is help suppress his urges. But the Mikaelson Academy will be able to teach him to fully control his bloodlust. They've helped out several rippers in the past- This is the way to help him."

Logically speaking, Lizzie knew her dad was right. But that didn't make this any less harder.

"You can go say goodbye, if you want. MG's in the werewolf transitioning areas," Alaric said.

Lizzie stood up, and numbly walked all the way to the staircase. Her footsteps echoed throughout the hollow tunnels underneath the school. She kept walking until she reached the cell that MG was in.

"They're transferring you," Lizzie said quietly.

"I know," MG mumbled back.

"They said you haven't been eating anything. Why?" Lizzie asked.

"Just," is all he said.

The two of them were quiet for a few seconds.

"Thank you," MG suddenly said. His voice was quiet, but his words reached Lizzie's ears quite clearly.

"For what?" Lizzie asked.

"For stopping me before even more people ended up dead," MG answered.

Lizzie sat down in front of the door, a short distance away from him. "Are you going to go? They want you to go, but the ultimate choice is yours." she said.

"I don't want to hurt any more people," he said.

"This wasn't your fault, MG. Those assholes at the Mikaelson Academy-"

"It doesn't matter, Lizzie," MG said. "The only thing that matters is that a person is dead because I couldn't control my bloodlust. What if something like this happens again, only this time, you aren't there to stop me?" he asked. "I need to be able to feed without killing people. And..." he hesitated. "Who knows? Maybe the Mikaelson Academy can help me do that."

"Do you really mean that?" Lizzie asked.

"It's the only solution on the table at the moment, isn't it?" MG sighed. "The Salvatore School is like a second home to me. Always has been, forever will be. I don't want to leave here, but at the same time..."

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