"Shut up , what you called me for so early in the morning?" Hua Cheng said in a pissed off tone. 

" Mr. Cheng its 2:00 in the afternoon , wakey wakey." He Xuan replied. 

"WHAT!! " Hua Cheng yelled as he immediately stood up. 

"Yeah , i knew it , you were sculpting till morning weren't you ?" He Xuan asked . 

"Yeah no shit sherlock , i'll call you later , I have to rush to Uni , i have a lot of work to do for that damn play." Hua Cheng said as he rushed to the washroom to freshen up. 

" Listen , i will be there at 5 , don't miss me too much and I invited Shi QingXuan." He Xuan said. 

Hua Cheng stood still , he wanted to ask if he had invited Xie Lian but his pride wouldn't let him. 

"All right." Hua Cheng said as he hung up. 

Hua Cheng hurried up and dressed into a basic black t-shirt paired with crimson trousers accompanied by crimson long trench coat , paired with glossy black shoes looking dashing as ever and his pitchy hair pushed back.

Hua Cheng took a hold of his sculpture avoiding any gaze to it ,  he didn't want to reminded of either Xie Lian or his dreams. He rushed to his car parked in the driveway and drove to his Uni. 

As Hua Cheng entered the theatre where the play was supposed to take place , the theatre looked extravagant with the bright lighting and decor. No wonder it was a prestigious University.

"Professor Ming , I have brought the sculpture , i apologize for being late." Hua Cheng said in a gentle voice. 

"It's no problem Mr.Cheng , thank you for your hard work." Pei Ming replied with a slight smile on his face. 

"Let's take a look at it shall we ? " 

"Of course." Hua Cheng replied. 

As Pei Ming slowly removed the cloth on the sculpture , he remained spell bound , he had seen thousands of sculptures in his decades of teaching but this sculpture wasn't anything like the others , each stroke on the sculpture was ethereal , it was impossible to believe a Uni student had sculpted such a masterpiece , more than anything this sculpture expressed the unwavering devotion of Hua Cheng while crafting it. 

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