I hope it's enough...

I make my way to my locker and open it, grabbing my things before jogging through the mass of people in the halls. I find myself out in the warm sun and cool breeze and I jog through the grass and off school property, making my way home with a soft smile.

Once I reach home, I jump up the stairs just as a dark red SUV pulls into the drive and I grin, waving at the middle-aged woman within.

I run inside and grab the money I earned and quickly count it before dropping my bag and walking back inside. I jump down from the grey porch side and walk to the vehicle, walking to the woman's window.

She rolls down her window and laughs as she points at my ears. "You got new earrings." She says as-matter-of-factly.

I nod and reach up to the black jewelled skulls and the chain connected to my cartilage. "Yeah, I got it at Hot Topic." I said, then handed her the bundle of money.

She sticks it inside and sets it down, not bothering to count it. "There's enough there, right?" She asks with a white smile.

"Yes Janice, there's enough for the rent, the electric, the water, the groceries you want to buy me, and there's even a ten dollar bonus for you to buy yourself something nice. Like a shirt or something." I say with a laugh.

Janice is like a second mother to me, as much as she means to me. She pays my bills, my rent, and gets me groceries. The groceries I could care less about, but she insists, so I give her money to buy me food.

She just laughs along with me and nods. "Of course, so nice of you." She grins and I grin back. "Is there anything you want me to get specifically?" She asks, still smiling happily.

I think about it as I look her over. She's dyed her hair again, it's a lighter blonde then her usual strawberry blonde colour I've always liked, but now her blue eyes seem to pop out even more, and she has more makeup on then usual.

I shrug. "Can you get me some more Axe shampoo? I'm out."

She nods. "You want that chocolate smelling one like usual?" She says as she starts up the SUV once more.

I nod, she nods, then we wave at each other before she backs up and drives off to do my errands like she does every month.

I shake my head and make my way back into my house, grabbing my bag and going upstairs.

I walk into my room and sigh as I throw my bag to the side and jump onto my wonderful bed. I'm thinking about marrying it with as much time I spend on it.

I heard my phone go off with my Run, Devil, Run ringtone and I look up.

That ringtone hasn't rung in almost two whole weeks.

I grin and take it out of my back pocket and unlock it quickly.

It's a text message.

And it's from Alpha.~

#^*the messages.*^#

From: Alpha
To: Flarebear
Hey, what's up?

From: Flarebear
To: Alpha

From: Alpha
To: Flarebear
Well, you had told me about Connor when we got back to your house, and I decided to take matters into my hand.

What the hell is he talking about? Taking matters into his own hands...?

From: Flarebear
To: Alpha
What are you talking about...?

From: Alpha
To: Flarebear
Why don't I come pick you up and I'll show you?

From: Flarebear
To: Alpha
Uh, okay. But I'm still fucking mad at you.

From: Alpha
To: Flarebear
Okay, but this ought to make you forgive me. I'll be there in a few minutes. I also have another surprise for you.

From: Flarebear
To: Alpha
It better be fucking hard and long and in your damn pants.

From: Alpha
To: Flarebear
As much as I want to bend you over my desk when I bring you over, I'll have to decline, especially with the person who's here. They're really excited to see you.

I visibly shivered and bit my lower lip.

From: Flarebear
To: Alpha
Fine. But they better have a pretty damn good reason I'm not gonna be on that desk.

I sigh and stick my phone back into my back pocket and drag my body off my bed and stand up, stretching up and yawning before moving back out of my room and going downstairs.

I write Janice a note.

'I'll be over at a friends house if you get back before I do. He says its important I guess, so I can't help with the groceries. Sorry, not sorry. Just remember that I love you. Axel~'

I sigh and stick it on the table and walk outside, shutting the glass door behind me tightly. I look around and I hear a sound coming from across the street, right from the woods.

It's a howl.

I frown and I find myself walking closer, towards the sound and stopping at the sidewalk, looking into the shadows of the trees.

That's when I see it. It's a large black wolf. A werewolf. They're pretty common in this area, but this is the first time I've seen one up close.

I look at it and it stares at me before letting our a soft bark. It looks both ways before quickly running across the street and to my side. I stay still and I vaguely wonder who it could be, and why I'm not running away.

I smile and reach up and pet it's snout. It's pretty big. It gives off a purr and nuzzles into my smaller hand.

It looks at me with and bends over, crouching down. I look at it and I see that it's eyes are a moss green.

Just like Roxas...

I grin and I pat his head softly. "So this is the surprise?" I ask.

He nods and I laugh as its tail starts tapping on the ground quickly.

He moves his head back to his back and yips softly, making it seem like he's motioning for me to get on.

"Your my ride...?" I ask with another laugh and he seems to nod happily.

I nod back and move to get on, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around his neck as best I can, as he stands up. I feel his muscles working as he looks around, then barks softly in what sounds like a warning.

I tighten my hands in his soft black fur and he jolts forward, running and jumping into the woods, running through the trees quickly as the wind and trees and other things in nature rushing past in a blur.

I close my eyes and I think. I frown as I vaguely wonder something.

What has Connor have to do with anything...?


((How was that???

Anyways, I have nothing to say, so you know the drill by now.





The Alpha's Emo ((boyxboy)) ((COMPLETED.))Where stories live. Discover now