Chapter: 8

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"Hey, umm, guys." I suddenly spoke, grabbing their attention. "Can I sleep over at one of your guy's house? I seriously don't wanna go home, and maybe I could stay till Monday?" I asked, looking to the floor.

"Yeah, you can ride home with me and San." Wooyoung smiled. "You can also stay at my house if you want." Jongho replied with a gentle smile. "Yeah, on second thought, I think my, uh, aunt, yeah my aunt is visiting. So you can't stay over at mine." Wooyoung added quickly.

"Yeah, sorry Yeo, we all have someone coming over, we're sorry we can't let you stay over, right guys." Yunho said as he gave the others a knowing look.

"Well, I guess you're staying over at my house." Jongho smiled. "Yeah, I guess so." I said. "See you guys on Monday." Seonghwa took Hongjoong by the hand and they both waved at us. "Yeah, bye guys." Mingi said, his arm still around Yunho's waist. We all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

"Hey, ummm, I drove here in my car, is it okay if we stop by my house to just drop it off first?" I asked. "Yeah of course, I'll just follow you from behind." Jongho said as he grabbed his car keys.

"Okay, let me go start my car." I said before running over to my car that wasn't too far parked from Jongho's. We set off towards my house, and I was freaking out trying to calm myself down the whole way there.

"I can't believe I'm staying over at his house, I thought I would be staying over Yunho's or something! But he obviously made everyone say that they couldn't let me stay over. Okay Yeosang, breathe, it's okay, it's not a big deal. He doesn't even have a crush on you, he has a girlfriend. Why is he with that bitch of a witch anyways?" I said to myself out loud as I drove back to my house.

I then parked my car in front of my house and got out. I realized I didn't have anything to stay over, but I was just too scared of the possibility that he might've come home early.

"You ready." Jongho asked. "Yeah, we can go now." He then drove off. "If you don't mind me asking, why don't you wanna go back home. Sorry if that question seemed a bit nosy, I'm just curious." Jongho said as he stopped at a red light.

"No it's fine, I trust you since you're my friend. Well I'm sure you already know about how abusive my dad is, and well he went on a vacation to go visit my uncle who lives in Japan. He comes back home tomorrow, and I just really don't want to be there when he gets back." I said with my head down.

"Hey, it's alright. If you ever don't wanna go back home because you don't feel safe, you are always welcome to stay over at my house." Jongho said as he put his hand over mine.

"I just wanna protect this little cutie from everything that hurts him. He doesn't deserve any of the shit he goes through. Wait, do I like Yeosang, no way, I can't, I mean I have a girlfriend. I'm straight. Right?" Jongho questioned himself as he looked back to the road when the light turned green.

Once we arrived at his house he opened the door for me and we walked inside. "Oh, Jongho your back. And who might this be, you never told me you were having someone over." A woman said as she walked to the door.

"it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Kang Yeosang, I'm Jongho's friend." I bowed with a small smile. "Well hello Yeosang, would you like something to drink, we have some orange juice, and I think it would be alright with Jongho to give you one of his juice boxes." Mrs. Choi said with a gentle smile.

"I can see where Jongho got his beautiful smile from." I thought to myself. "A juice box please." I said with a big smile. "Well the two of you can go ahead and go upstairs, I'll be there soon with your juice box." Mrs. Choi said before she walked off.

"Come on, let's go." Jongho said as he led me up the stairs. Once we got into his room, I noticed how big it was, it was even bigger than my room. His room was also quite clean if you didn't count all the papers scattered around his desk.

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