Chapter: 4

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"Baby, I told you not to sit with these mutes. You don't have to be friends with them out of pity, you know." Yujun said to Jongho as she sat on his lap. "We might be a little quiet sometimes, but that doesn't mean we're deaf." I said out of anger towards the girl's rude remarks.

She had been saying very rude things about us ever since Jongho and the others had started sitting with us at lunch, and it's been two months now. I was getting sick and tired of it, so I had to say something

"What did you just say to me?" Yujun glared at me. "Well looks like you're the deaf one around here." I snapped back, sending her a glare as well. "Ugh, I'm leaving." She got up from Jongho's lap and walked away.

"Good riddance!" I yelled as she walked away. "Damn, you guys were right, Sangie is savage." The nickname sent shivers down my spine. Of course my friends would call me that on the daily, but it just felt so different when Jongho said it.

"That's our Yeo." Wooyoung chuckled. I suddenly felt a cold liquid run down my chest. I turned around only to see Yujun with an open carton of chocolate milk in her hand. "Oops, my hand slipped, I was just trying to give this milk to Jongho." She said with an evil smirk on her face.

I quickly ran to the bathroom, almost bursting into tears. Hongjoong and Seonghwa both stood up quickly. "It's fine, you guy's stay here, I'll go check on him." Jongho said as he got up. But before he left he made sure to send a death glare towards Yujun.

I was trying my best to get the chocolate stain off of my shirt with the soap and water. Then I heard the bathroom door open. "Hey, you ok." Jongho asked with a worried look on his face. "Y-Yeah I-I'm fi-fine." I said with a shaky breath as I wiped the tears off of my cheek.

Jongho walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, and as soon as he did my heart started to beat really fast. "Don't cry hyung, it's not a good look on you." He whispered as he wiped the tears off of my face.

"Here, you can change into my extra hoodie, I don't think you would wanna walk around in that stained sweater." Jongho giggled, this putting a smile on my face. "Thanks." Jongho then unwrapped his arms from around me and handed me the hoodie he had in his hands.

After I had changed, me and Jongho walked back to the table where everyone else was at. As I sat down, I saw Yunho, Hongjoong, and Wooyoung look at me with playful smirks on their faces.

I felt my face heat up, so I quickly covered my face with the sleeves of the hoodie. "I think we should stop teasing him now." Hongjoong said with a giggle. "Is there something we should know?" Seonghwa asked, looking over at the three giggling boys.

"What, no, it's just personal stuff about Yeosang that we will never tell." Yunho said as he giggled at the others. "Aww, but I wanna know, yah Kang Yeosang, aren't we your friends too?" San pouted.

"You are, it's just I'd rather say it somewhere other than in the school cafeteria." I said, looking around at all the people in the cafeteria. "Ok, fine, I'll let you off this time." San said.

"Speaking of talking somewhere else, how about we go to my house today after school, I have some big news to tell you." Yunho said with a smile. Everyone nodded their heads and agreed to the idea.


I now found myself on Yunho's couch sitting extremely close to Jongho. And I was still wearing the hoodie he had given to me.

"So, what did you wanna tell us." Seonghwa asked. "Well, umm, I've been keeping a secret from you guys for a couple weeks now." Yunho said while looking down at his hands.

"Don't worry, take your time." Hongjoong said as he looked at Yunho with a fond smile. "Well, umm, you see, the thing is, ME AND MINGI ARE DATING!" Yunho blurted out, not being able to keep it inside of him any longer.

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