Chapter: 7

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I put the keys and my wallet inside my bag, my phone in hand as I closed the car door and headed to the entrance. Once I was inside the park, I turned around when I heard my name being called.

"Yeosang, we're over here!" Wooyoung shouted. I waved towards his direction and saw that a couple of the others were there with him.

"Damn Yeosang, you look good." He said as he looked me up and down. "Thanks." I smiled "But look at you, went all out and brought out the crop top look." I said as I looked at the baby blue long sleeve crop top he was wearing.

"I haven't worn an outfit like this in a while, so I said 'fuck it' and put it on." Wooyoung giggled. "We definitely need more crop top Wooyoung, especially now that I've seen the look." San smirked, putting his arm around Wooyoung.

"Damn San, why you acting as if you guys were a couple, wait is there something you guys haven't been telling us." Hongjoong smirked as he looked at the two.

"w-we're n-not." Wooyoung stuttered as he hid his face in the sleeves of his shirt. "Yet." San added in with a smirk, Wooyoung blushing out of control. "Our ship is finally sailing." Yunho whispered to me and Hongjoong as we looked at the two in front of us.

"Yah, I heard that!" Wooyoung yelled as he walked over and hit Yunho on the shoulder. "Don't worry about what they say baby." San said, his smirk growing wider. The three of us squealed while watching what seemed like a scene straight out of a K-drama right in front us.

"Oh shut up." Wooyoung glared at him, but he still had a dark shade of red on his cheeks. San put his hand on Wooyoung's waist and then the last three had finally arrived.

"What's going on here, we heard a little bit from the entrance, you guys are really loud you know." Mingi said as he looked curiously at San who had his hand on Wooyoung's waist.

"Nothing too interesting." San said, still holding onto Wooyoung. "Dude, our ship is sailing, Woosan is real I'm telling you!" Yunho whisper shouted at me as the other guys were talking.

"I really like your outfit Yeosang, you really pull off the look." Jongho said, this making me choke on the water Hongjoong had given me. "H-huh o-oh th-thanks." I was blushing out of control trying to hide it behind my sweater paws.

"Ooooooooooo." Said the six of them in unison as Jongho just stood there smiling at me. "Well then, let's go on some rides!" Seonghwa yelled as he held Hongjoong's hand. "Yeah let's go!" Wooyoung shouted with his usual excited and childish tone.

We decided to go on a roller coaster, and me being terrified of heights, was contemplating whether I should go on it or not. "Don't worry you don't have to go on it if you don't want to. I could stay here with you if you want." Jongho said with a gentle voice.

"No, I think I'm going to go on. I haven't gone to an amusement park since I was eight years old, I might as well enjoy it." I said with a smile. "Well, come on let's go." Jongho held onto my hand as we ran over to the others who were waiting in line.

After waiting for about ten minutes, we were finally able to get onto the ride. I felt a little bit better about going on the ride after Jongho had offered to sit with me. And of course, I agreed.

"If it makes you feel better, I can hold your hand if you want." Jongho spoke suddenly. "Thanks." I locked my fingers with his. It was something I had only experienced in my dreams, and yet here I was, holding hands with Choi Jongho.

His hands felt so warm and big around my cold and tiny hands. Then we hit the first drop, I was screaming all the way down as Jongho held onto my hand tightly, he rubbed circles on the back of my hand. After the ride was over we both got off and headed towards the rest of the group.

"So, what's up with that?" Wooyoung eyed us suspiciously. "What?" I asked, not knowing what he meant. "You guys are holding hands." Wooyoung smirked as he looked at the both of us.

"Huh?" Me and Jongho both looked down at our intertwined hands. "Oh, sorry." I took my hand out of his warm grasp. "I just offered to hold his hand because he was scared, and I guess we forgot to let go once we got off the ride." Jongho chuckled as he rubbed his nape nervously.

"Oh is that so, then don't mind us, you guys can still hold hands if you want to." Yunho smirked. "I wanna go get some food, I'm hungry." Wooyoung pouted as he rubbed his tummy.

"Oh, is my baby hungry." San cupped Wooyoung's cheeks and looked straight into his eyes. Wooyoung looked similar to that of a tomato. "Just date already." Seonghwa scoffed as he looked at the two. "Wouldn't be surprised if they already were." Hongjoong added.

"Well, let's go get food then." Jongho said as he linked our hands. My eyes widened but I quickly followed him not wanting to be dragged. I looked over at the other guys and they gave me a knowing look, quickly following behind us.

After I got my food, I went and sat down with the others. The only seat that was open was the one right next to Jongho, and of course I took it.

"Guys, I have something important I want to announce." San said as he stood up, grabbing all of our attention. "I'm in love with Jung Wooyoung!" San yelled with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

My mouth along with everyone else's flew right open. "Wait really!" Wooyoung said as he too had a big smile on his face. San nodded his head yes over and over again. "Oh my god, tell me I'm dreaming, this can't be real." Wooyoung said in disbelief as he looked at San.

"Oh it's real baby boy, if you still don't believe me, then maybe this will help you out." San leaned in to kiss Wooyoung. The six of us were freaking out while all of this was playing out.

That's when they kissed and we all started to yell super loud and freak out, the people around us were just looking at us like we were some crazy weirdos. But I honestly could care less about what they thought, cuz my ship was sailing at a rapid speed.

San got on one knee with a huge smile on his face and pulled out a small box from his pocket. "Jung Wooyoung, will you make me the happiest guy alive and be my boyfriend." San said as he opened the box revealing a ring.

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course I'll be your boyfriend." Wooyoung said with tears in his eyes as San put the ring on his finger. "This is only a promise ring, I'll get you a better one when I propose." San winked at him before he gently kissed Wooyoung on the forehead. "I have one too." San said as he showed Wooyoung the ring on his finger.

Wooyoung then came running towards me and hugged me really tight. "Yah, Sangie, it's finally happened. I finally get to date Choi San! I'm so happy right now, look how pretty this ring is." Wooyoung said happily as he showed me his ring.

"It's so pretty, I'm so happy for you Woo." I hugged him tightly. The rest of the guys congratulated the both of them, and of course Hongjoong and Seonghwa gave San the stern talk and told him to take good care of Wooyoung and to never break his heart.

The rest of the day went on, it was probably one of the funnest days I had ever had in my life. And I loved that I got to spend it with my seven best friends.

Okay but not my mom suddenly confronting me about the time I said school was boring. Like she was all like, "I don't understand why school bores you, I honestly think you just aren't putting enough effort into it." Like, ok miss ma'am, calm down, I've always thought school was boring, keep up with the program, geez 🙄🤚 Anyways, hope y'all are taking good care of yourselves, see ya in the next one :)))))

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