3- Castle

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Hazel- What??

Others- what??

Jihoon- what if I say you guys are also not humans anymore.

Where did this psycho came from?

Tae- I think this person is from the psychotic ward. Where is the nurse?

Namjoon- sir, we don't have time for your gibberish.

I was going to ask that. But this place is very crowded. Sounds are giving me headache.

Suddenly hazel heard a howl.

Wait is that a howl? Wild animals? Near to hospital? No way.......

She looked around. From what she knows there is no hospitals in her town which means she is in city. City is miles away from forest. Wild animals will not come to city. She could perfectly hear their sound. How did she get a good hearing sense?

No way....... No no is this because of ...... No but........

Hazel- wait......

Everyone looks at her.

Hazel- what if he is telling the truth?

Tae- are you mad girl? Did you hit your head hard or something?

Wait, is that because i hit my head? No how the hearing sense increase when we hit head? I don't want to believe but....

Hazel- I was talking about me; I feel like my senses have increased. I can literally hear wild animals crying from here.

Jimin- we also can, if we are near forest anyone can

I forgot they were just moved to my town. They won't know about hospitals unless they got hurt.

Jin- but we are not near forest

Thank god atleast one of them knows.

Tae- what??

Hazel- hospital is in city that is around 3 miles away from forest.

Jihoon- yes boy, observe your surroundings. You may have got your senses increased. Especially senses of hearing and smelling.

Hoseok- i was thinking why some smell of chocolate is bothering me. Its too high in here and making me craving for it.

Thank god so its not just me......

Hazel- you are right. I was going to ask nurses for some chocolate because of this. Is the ward next to us children's ward?

Jin- what smell? There is no smell of chocolate here.

Hoseok- no hyung i clearly smell it here. Its too intense and i'm really craving for it.

Hazel- i agree with him

Hoseok- see....

Tae- but i agree with Jinhyung

Jimin- me too, everyone except you two agree with hyung.

Hazel- this is weird why is it like that?

She turns towards Jihoon who is observing them.

Changes  ( book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ