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[Name] hummed silently along to the song Dazai made, walking along the pavement after leaving the Armed Detective Agency's office.

She wandered around the streets aimlessly, one of her ways of enjoying her day off, well, what was supposed to be her day off that is. The recording Yuichiro sent her was the interrogation he and Lucas conducted for Tanaka about One Eye.

Most of it was useless to her though, she had already dug up most of their information after a recent infiltration to the base. They are bound to find out soon and she is sure to be the one they target, destroying the core first is the best way to break down a whole organization.

A smirk etched itself onto her lips, perhaps what Atsushi heard of the Luminesced Detective Agency was true afterall. An organization filled with monsters, may it be physically, mentally. Whatever the president was thinking back then when she made this agency, she sure was crazy.

Walking past certain street, gunshot sounds filled her ears. This leads to a dead end, does it not? What a wonderful place to commit murder, in broad daylight, how brave... maybe stupid. [Name] had almost remembered the map of this whole city, not entirely so she second guessed her thought.

Peeking into the alleyway, she saw the limp bodies of the Tanizaki siblings, Atsushi's blood curling scream reminded of the days she used to 'ask' enemy organization members for information when she was in the mafia, he was holding onto the remaining part of his leg attached to his body.

The familiar cough and slender figure was something that always stayed in the back of her head, having cared for the man about his health both his disease and his mentality, unlike a certain brunette who did the exact opposite.

They all failed to notice the woman, continuing on with their fight, having the weretiger go in a feat of rage and activating his ability, Beast Beneath the Moonlight. This is the first time [Name] is seeing Atsushi using his ability, best to take the opportunity to pay close attention.

She took note that his right leg regenerated and that no bullets could pierce the tiger's skin.

Apparently, the older of the two Tanazakis was still conscious enough to use his ability, Light Snow, aiding the weretiger.

She could see the male mafioso's crazed grin, activating his ability, Rashomon. Despite the two about to kill each other, [Name] made no move to stop them as someone else stepped in already.

"Okay, that's enough!" A bright light shined in the alleyway, causing passersby to get interested. Thankfully, the woman was there to stop them, saying that she is a detective investigating the place for recent illegal activities, she even showed them her ID to make it more believable.

"Try it... if you dare." The brunette had noticed his beloved when he saw her coat peeking from the edge, she put no effort in concealing herself at all.

Higuchi went on a rant of the Port Mafia's capabilities, on how no one lived opposing them, Dazai rubbed the back of his head with bored look, "I know all that." His beloved finally revealed herself fully, walking into the alleyway.

"You know that better than anyone being an ex-Port Mafia member, Dazai-san." Akutagawa ended there, just noticing the other ex-Port Mafia member's presence.

His gray eyes widened, suppressing a gasp, covering it up with a cough, "And [Name]-san.." The blonde however was taken aback by another's sudden presence, raising her gun to the newcomer.

[Name] raised her hands, showing that she is defenseless, "Unarmed. It's been awhile, hasn't it, Akutagawa-san?" She sure does know a lot of people, huh?

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