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"Bleh, so that's what they did?" The protagonist asked with an bored look. Her assistant had just told her what happened with the Port Mafia, the agency's enemy.

Yuichiro had his hand on his head, his fingers massaging his temple. Although they could care less about the Port Mafia since they were always against the Armed Detective Agency, the mafia decided to steal some files from the Laminate Detective Agency all of a sudden.

To top it off, the files stolen weren't even related to the mafia. And thus the question comes, why did they go out of their way just to steal something completely unrelated to them?

While the teenager was busy thinking, his senior had already gotten up from her place and was now heading to exit her office.

Reaching to open the door, she then felt it collide with her body, pain soon following as it spread through her body. "Oi Yuichiro, where's [L/n]?" A girl's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"[Name]-san!" Said boy cried out in worry, having just witnessed said woman get smashed into the wall by the door.

"Huh?" The girl invited herself in the office, turning to the door, then pulling it a little, revealing their badly bruised senior.

"Oh." If it weren't for the fact that she was fast, [Name] would've been kissing the door once again when the girl proceeded to push the door again, hoping to injure the woman more.

"There, there now, torchlight. If I were to be badly injured, how can the agency go against the mafia?" Her head was spinning, it felt as if someone was hitting her with a bat on the head continuisly. A piercing sound in her head like a broken radio playing on forever.

"We'll do perfectly fine without your crafty ass." An invisible arrow went through [Name]'s heart as she froze in place from her subordinate's words.

"If it weren't for [Name]-san you'd be dead by now, Aria-san." Yuichiro reminded her, patting his frozen superior in an attempt to comfort her. Wait, when did he get there?

Aria groaned at the memory, "Says the one who helped in planning my death!" Ah~ fond memories.

"At least we helped you find your brother." Speaking of him, Lucas was also a superior of both Yuichiro and Aria, making him the same rank as [Name].

"You knew he was here all along!" Oh yeah, he participated in planning her entrance exam too.

Choosing to ignore her, the two sibling like friends started a conversation between themselves. "[Name]-san, did you figure out why they stole our files?" He got an affirmative hum in response.

"OI! DON'T IGNORE ME!" The blonde's face was red from anger.

"Don't worry about it! Prez's got it all covered." Yuichiro froze at the mention of their president, who has been ill for quite some days now.

Aria was about to shout at them again but [Name] managed to quiet her down with a hand on her cheek, caressing it slowly, "Dear, if you continue screaming the whole building is going to shake." Her face as red as a tomato, is it from anger or from being flustered this time? Perhaps both.

Aria immediately backed away from her, slapping her hand as well. "I'm sure that Aria-san here is to ask about the Port Mafia too. Please inform everyone to be prepared." [Name] turned to her assistant, stating the time and location. "Is.. something going to happen?" He asked, uncertainty showed on his face.

He could somewhat guess what she was planning, having followed her for many years, he could pick up her plans better than others, though there are exceptions.

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