Chapter 2- The Inner Demons

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A wail escaped his lips as his pain intensified and in his distress, he started tossing his head on the pillow. 

He felt as if he was emerging to the water surface after being submerged for a very long time.

He wanted to get rid of the darkness and see the lighted world. However, he didn't know why he was so exhausted. Without any strength to open his eyes, he tried to move his body on the bed.

But that just amplified the intensity of his much so that it felt that he was burning alive…

And that was when a hazy memory of him trying to burn her alive surfaced to his mind too! 

His soul stirred at the insane, inhumane thought…

He could now feel his heart pounding in his ears too…

Suddenly, he felt a crushing weight settle on his chest.

He tried to figure out why he was feeling so much pain and why he was not able to catch his breath properly.

He felt as if there was something sitting on his chest… trying to suffocate him… trying to invoke as much pain and distress as possible! 

He wasn't able to understand what was happening to him. 

His eyelids were so heavy that he felt as if they were glued! 

His heart was racing as if he had been running a marathon.

His head was about to explode trying to visualize something, but all his mind was conjuring up were some vague but extremely disturbing images of...

Him kidnapping two babies…

Him snatching two newborn babies from their mother…

Him pouring kerosene oil to burn a woman alive…

Him raising his arm to stab an unconscious woman…

He was now frantically tossing in his bed. It felt as if he wanted to stop himself from committing all those heinous crimes.

His mind was now showing him the horrendous image of that woman inside a ring of fire...and something within him felt like snapping into two…

Perhaps it was him breaking into a good side and a bad side. The bad side was dead, heartless, and merciless. It was vile, manipulative, and vicious. 

It was extremely strong too!

In his delirious state, he badly wanted to kill that bad side. He wanted to stop it from going to such lengths to harm a person. 

He really wanted to stop himself…

But his good side wasn't powerful enough. 

And to make the matters worse, his beloved kaka whom he had trusted so much had also betrayed him. Not only that, he again abandoned him too! 

"No no… please don't do this. How can you abandon me?" 

He screamed as anger flashed through his blood.

He had been manipulated and he hated the feeling! 

The master manipulator had played him so well! 

And suddenly, his kaka's image was replaced by the image of the person he had loved the most in his life-

His Big D! 

Even in such intense physical and psychological pain, a smile appeared on his lips while imagining his Big D's face as tears started rolling down his cheeks and he whispered, 

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