Death X And X Defeat

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"This fights over boss...I've loss".

When Jüo's eyes meet Rin's I could see nothing but pain inside of him. Jüo was dead. Dead to the world he once knew and lived. He had no sense of himself. All he knew was hurt as of  that moment. But why? Why all of  sudden was Jüo completely falling apart. And why was it making Rin so annoyed see him like this? Rin growls and yanks Jüo by his shirt up towards him.

"That'll be the last time you even get a chance like this to hit me. If you want revenge then come get it now Jüo", Rin says.

Revenge? What was he talking about? Why would Jüo want revenge on Rin?

"Boss?" Jüo questioned.

"I killed him Jüo", Rin smirks. "He's dead because of me."

"What are you talking about boss?" Jüo asks as his eyes suddenly grew wide.

"Kane, of course. Your crush...or whatever you want to call it. The guy you so helplessly fell in love with is dead...and I killed him despite how I had known how you felt about him...and I didn't care that I did it Jüo."

"W-why? Why would you do that?" Jüo asked with tears filing his eyes. He looked terrified of Rin, but more then that he was completely and undoubtedly heartbroken. The man he looked up to murdered the guy he loved. I mean honestly who wouldn't be pissed. Jüo body shivered in Rin's touch as he without a hesitation laid everything out in details on how he killed Kain with a grin on his face, and I couldn't do anything but feel sorry for Rin. Cause I finally figured out what he was up to. Just like Hisoka had said Rin was planning something. This was his plan. To make Jüo angry enough to fight him...and possibly kill him.

"He was going to kill Toko. It was either him or Kane. I chose to rather lose Kane because honestly he could be replaced easily", Rin smiles.

"You killed Kane because of Toko!!?" Jüo screams furiously. He looks over at me, eyes widening with rage. "Over that man whore...?", Jüo chuckles and clutches Rin's arm,"Fine...if that's how you wanna play it Rin...Toko Hikari will just have to die as well. Then we'll both lose something we love...yea?"

Jüo manages to push Rin off of him and without a second to waste he rushes toward me. I couldn't even bring myself to move out of the way as he came toward me. There was so much bloodlust and hatred in his eyes and it was my fault. If I had just been able to do something then Rin wouldn't have had to kill him. But it's too late for that. It's too late to go back and changed what happened. I'm so sorry Jüo...

I felt Hisoka's hand against my body as he pulled me back against the warmth of his body. He grips me tightly shielding me from Jüo's attack, while all I could do was watch frozen within myself as he came toward me.

Everything happened so fast within a blink of an eye. Jüo was in front of me and then suddenly he wasn't. Rin stood in front of me grinning as he stared at Jüo who was now on the ground. He growled as he pushed himself up on his feet now facing Rin. "You won't touch Toko...not while I'm still moving", Rin says.

"I'm going to kill that bastard", Jüo cried as his voice began cracking as he spoke. "He's the reason Kane's dead. He killed Kane!!"

"No I killed Kane", Rin shouted, "he should have learned how to tame himself. Or you should have been better at teaching him."

"Oh fuck that!!" Jüo screamed as he ran toward Rin swinging sloppy punches. "You knew what he was like. You knew exactly where he came from. He couldn't help being the way he was and you killed him? He was one of us Rin...but instead...but instead you chose to save him over Kane? That isn't fair!! That's not fair Rin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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