Chapter 33 (can skip)

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Author's notes:

Now... For the slice of life bullcrap

I'm not even done episode 2 of ss3 yet

I hate Izuku so much. I don't even know why

"To be honest... I wasn't really all interested in dinner either..." Mineta laments to himself out loud in the hot springs. "Because I know what my real goal is. It wasn't those dishes...." He said as his short stature stood in front of the fence that separates the 2 bath pools. "What I really want, is behind this wall..." he sighs dramatically.

"Hey Mineta? What're you whispering about?" Kaminari asked whilst splashing water on Ojiro. He was having fun, the hot spring feels nice on the aches he received from... training.

Boboiboy decided to try out the springs later due to the culture barrier, also he needs to ask where they'll all sleep tonight because he's only half convinced that they won't be sleeping outside. He has to clear up the mess of toys he and Kota left outside and sort out all his equipment.

And when this is happening Mineta the deviant just had to be well- him "Can you hear that...?" he said to the boys behind him as he stuck himseft to the wooden wall. "Right behind this wall..." the girls' laughter can be heard.

The boys instantly realized what was happening, giving Minoru, some interested, most a 'are you serious?' look, 1 in the group doesn't get it at all, guess who. Sato sat down after he finished his scrubbing. "The girls coincidentally bathe at the same time we are... coincidence....right! An incredible coincidence!" he exclaimed.

"Mineta-kun! Stop it right this instant! What you're about to do not only lower th girls dignity but also yourself by such a lowly act!" Tenya commanded as he approach Mineta from the water.

"You're very annoying..." his face turned unusually content. Before morphing into an expression of pure deviancy. Drooling as he stuck his quirk to the wall and quickly climb on it. Yelling something about going 'plus ultra', when the class rep reprimanded him from under the fence.

When light started shining in his eyes, he can see the gates to 'heaven'. My boy Kota the nut crusher popped out from the top of the wall, grape boy froze in place "Before becoming a hero, you should relearn how to be human." The boy said and slapped Mineta's hand harshly, making the older drop.

"Mineta-chan really is the worst."," Thanks Kota-kun!" the girls cheered from their side of the bath, catching the kid's attention and making him turn to look on instinct. The sight shocked, and made him fall backwards. His small body fell from atop the wall, Izuku used his quirk and jumped to the rescue. Kota's alive!

=Building manager office=

"Maybe he fainted out of fear when he fell. Thank you." The pro hero said. "Eraser said there was a disturbed entity in the class, so I told him to keep an eye out. Girls are growing fast these days." She said as she placed a cold rag on Kota's forehead.

"Well at least he's alright now." Deku sighed in relief, just happy that the kid is alright. The child's words when they first met echoed in his mind.

"You seem very worried about him." The woman softly told "He was really looking forward to playing with that other kid too..." she loved the look of excitement on her nephew's face when he quickly finishes his chores just to hang out with that elemental quirk kid.

"Does Kota... have a negative look on heroes?" Midoriya comments "since I was little, everyone around me wanted to be heroes. Ah! Me included, so seeing a child at this age having that attitude makes me feel weird."

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