CH3: The first date

Start from the beginning

I might be thinking a bit too much but I do have a strong feeling that he will be meeting my Papa soon. I had already visited the orphanage yesterday. The kids were elated to see me. I was hoping that I would meet Tushar but no luck.

I shook my head as I brushed my teeth, after which I took a long shower. I entered the kitchen to see that Papa had already made coffee for me. I quickly gulped my coffee and prepared some pancakes. I didn't let Papa eat more of the chocolate spread even after he pouted like a kid.

"No Papa! That will not work on me! Eat with what is given. Too much of this is never good." I giggled when he grumbled and began eating. "You are no fun." He muttered and I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he acts like a six-year-old.

The rest of the day passed quickly as I patiently waited for the clock to strike three-thirty. I quickly wore a yellow sundress that had a beautiful flower print on it. I put on some minimal makeup, left my hair open, and pinned it to one said, then I wore some matching earrings and a necklace that had a sunflower pendant attached to it. I strapped the watch to my left hand. I looked at the mirror and smoothed the dress.

I could see the reflection of a nervous woman. I sighed and took a deep breath. What if he turns out to be a douche? What if he was playing all along? All these questions swirled in my head. I closed my eyes and pinched my nose, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself.

"Wow, you got ready huh?" I whipped my head to find Trisha standing at the threshold of my room. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. "Do I look okay? Did I overdo anything? Maybe I should just wear jeans and a casual shirt right?" I began blabbering. Trisha laughed and walked towards me. She hugged me and patted my back.

"Relax Anju! You look great! It's okay to be nervous." I laughed nervously and hugged her. She had come to pick me up as we had told Papa that we were going out with friends. She pulled away and did some last-minute touches. She sprayed some perfume and clicked my pictures.

"Now you are ready let's go!" She pulled my hand but I didn't move. "What?" She asked and raised her brows. All I did was shrug and bite my lip. "Look, I understand you are scared but how will you know if there is something between the two of you if you don't go now? Don't worry, I'll be right there. If he turns out to be a douche then call me. We'll take care of him together." I laughed at that and nodded.

She laughed with me and dragged me out of the room not before I grabbed my purse. "Be careful girls! Come back soon." My Papa screamed from the kitchen. "Okay, Papa!", "Okay Uncle!" We replied together.

My heartbeat increased as Trisha drove us towards the cafe. I can't believe I'm going on a date with some guy who I met only twice and have spoken to only once. The car halted and so did my heart. I pressed my face against the window and gazed at the cafe. "Get down Anju! We're here!" Trisha commanded.

"What?! Are you sure? Maybe we need to go a bit more further?" Trisha just shook her head and laughed. "No, we are already here. Get out and go inside the cafe Anjali!" This time she sounded serious.

I shook my head and bit my nails. "I'm not ready for this Trish! Let's go home." I said and she gasped. "Are you crazy? You have been waiting for this all week. Anju listens to me you are just nervous. I'll be right here. Get down and go have a good date! Go!" She unlocked the door and pushed me.

I was still staring at the cafe to nervous to do anything. "Anju stops thinking and go or I'll haul your ass out of the car. It might cause a scene but I don't care." She stated with a serious expression and that's how I knew that she wasn't kidding.

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