Start from the beginning

"Mom! Fiercey's not here!" I informed.

"Where can she be now?" Mom replied.

"I don't know, maybe somewhere under something."

"Won't she get trapped or suffocated or something?"

"I highly doubt that, she'll just come out when she's hungry." I assured mom.

"Alright alright. Get your butt to the showers, the bus will be here soon." Ordered mom.

She got to the bathroom and took a bath to get ready. I walked into our room to try and look for Fiercey again since I remember what happened here. Even so, there isn't much I can do to change it. I didn't see Fiercey under the bed, or in any corners, so I looked at where my hunch said she would be: My backpack.

There I saw her. Soundly sleeping beside my books. I remembered this day. It was one embarrassing day. Luckily Fiercey didn't die, I can't believe I'll be relieving it. Poor younger me, I can't really do anything but watch.

My younger-self came out of the bathroom and went straight to our room. She dried and changed her clothes.

"Wow, I miss my old clothes." I said to myself.

She finished changing her clothes and started drying her hair. After hanging her towel, she zipped her school bag close – not noticing Fiercey inside – and took it.

"Wow, you're right on time today." Said mom.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, ask yourself that." Mom chuckled.

"Haha, very funny old hag."

"Alright, bus must already be downstairs. Scootch young lady, off to another glorious day." Mom said pushing.

"Really excited to get me out of the house, huh?"

"Nah, it's just you." Chuckled mom.

"Alright, babye." My younger self said.

"Bye, Elliot."

She opened the door and shut it close. I phased through the door and followed myself. She took the stairs since the elevator wasn't working and under maintenance.

"They'll never get that elevator fixed, pft." Elliot complained.

My younger-self easily rushed down seven floors of stairs while I was panting to keep up.

Ah yes, the "perks" of getting old, am I right?

We finally got down on the first floor and rushed towards the entrance. The bus was there waiting. I phased through the bus full of teenagers. Noisy teenagers. Younger me got up as well and sat at the back with our friends (well, my past friends). Margarette and Deana, my two high school besties.

"Wow, you're early today." Said Margarette.

"I had the intuition to get up early."

"Woah, are we sure you're really Elliot Mirage?" Teased Deana.

"No. I came to suck all the life outta everyone." Replied Elliot.

"Please no! I haven't even sucked on Brandon or Yurian yet!" Dramatized by Margarette.

"You are disgusting." Replied Elliot.

"I know." Laughed Deana and Margarette.

They had a long bus ride towards the High school. I sat there with them the whole bus ride, and it was very annoying. Never thought my teenage self would be like this, now I know how mom feels.

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