11 • Triple Date

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"I told you, Sylvia didn't want to be left out. Marco is going to be her date for tonight."

Knowing that Marco would be distracted by another woman relaxed Steve tremendously. He'd been trying, and mostly succeeding, at not getting jealous of people as much, especially Marco. It took some time, but eventually the thought of Millie spending time with him on weekends while they worked no longer bothered him. That being said, that didn't mean he wanted him to join them on their date night.

Millie, of course, didn't mean to make Steve jealous. And Steve knew she wasn't flirting, or doing anything to string guys along, it was all them. Steve couldn't shake the feeling that one day, some sort of big hero-type guy would sweep her off her feet, and Steve would be left in the dust. But, he was coming to realise that worrying about something is just forcing yourself to suffer more, so while he couldn't get rid of the feeling completely, he'd put it on the back burner.

"Hello?" Bucky called out into the apartment.

"We're in Steve's room!" Millie responded.

"Are you guys naked?"

"Bucky!" Millie could hear a a female voice scold him, that must be Dot.

Millie hadn't properly met Dot yet, but Steve had and he described her as 'a character.' Whatever that means.

Steve walked and opened his bedroom door and walked out to see Bucky smiling cheekily. "No, Buck. We aren't naked."

"You never know with you two," Bucky chuckled. "I saw a receipt on your table the other day, Steve. Why on earth do you guys need three boxes of condoms? You can't seriously be having that much sex."

Millie blushed and hid her face in her hands, despite not being in view of anyone. If it was just Bucky, she'd probably be joining in on the laughter, but she swore she could hear Dot scoff, and her nerves were through the roof.

Millie had friends, and never usually had problems with confidence, but she'd seen Dot from afar before. She was tall, slender, with foxy face and bright green eyes. Her hair was a fiery red, and Millie truly felt she was one of, if not the most beautiful girl in Brooklyn.

"Millie Mae?" Steve called from the hallway. "Come and meet Dot."

Millie took a deep breath and stepped out of Steve's room, smiling shyly.

"There she is!" Bucky chimed, smirking at Millie. "Steve, your girl is looking beautiful, as always."

Millie knew Bucky did it to get a reaction out of Steve, and it was kind of cute how protective he was of her. "Yes, she is." Steve squinted at Bucky. "And she's mine."

"Ahem," a voice broke in. "I'm right here?"

"Right," Bucky coughed. "Sorry, Dot. We were just joking around."

"Well, it wasn't very funny."

Millie almost felt bad, the three of them joked like this all the time, she'd never stopped to think how it must look to an outsider.

"Hi, Dot." Millie attempted to break the awkward tension. "I'm Mildred, but you can call me Millie, if you'd like. It's nice to meet you."

"Hello, Mildred." Dot spat and turned away.

Millie looked to Steve with a confused expression who was staring at Bucky with a raised eyebrow. Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, looking incredibly guilty.

The four stood in silence until the front door burst open, and a frazzled blonde nearly fell into Steve's apartment.

"Oh, shit!" Sylvia squeaked as she tripped. "I think I broke your door?"

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