Arnav: you idiot girl can't you do even a work properly huh?

Nandu: Sholly pap...sir. I...I will tlean thish.

Saying this Nandu started picking the broken glass pieces. When she was picking up the glass pricked her hand which caused it to bleed. But without caring about it she started cleaning it as she knew this was her daily basis.
She cleaned everything and went to the kitchen and started crying as it was paining her.
Harshad went to his dad's room and took some money from his wallet and went outside.
When Arnav was getting ready for office he saw that few money was missing so he went to the living room and said.

Arnav : Khushi did you take money from my wallet?

Khushi: No arnav i haven't taken the money. What happened?

Arnav: I checked my wallet and some money is missing.

Harshad: Dad i saw this curse going inside your room i think she must have taken it.

Arnav (angrily): You bloody orphan did you took money from my wallet huh?

Nandu (getting scared): No sirl ,i no took it.

Arnav: sach sach bata tune liye na paise?

Nandu: nai sirl maine nai liye taise( paise)

Khushi (  grabbing her hair): Jhoot mat bol, tune hi liye hai paise.

Nandu(crying in pain): Ahh... Ahh pleash nannu ko lag lahi hai. Pleash nannu nai nahi liye.

Harshad: Dad she won't say like this i think you need to punish her.

Nandu gets scared hearing about the punishment and cries badly.
Khushi pushes nandu badly which made her fall on the floor and her head banged causing a small cut on her forehead.

Arnav( removing his belt): tu aise nahi bolegi na ? Now be ready for your punishment.

Arnav started beating nandu with the belt while she was crying badly and begging him not beat her.

Nandu ( badly crying): Pleash... No beat nannu, nannu ish gelting hult. Nannu ko mat malo.usse lag lahi hai.

Arnav didn't pay attention to her cries and was beating her and leaving belt marks on her small body.

Khushi: Arnav we did a mistake by adopting her. She is nothing but a curse and an orphan. Lets just close this chapter by throwing her on the roads.

Harshad: Mom is right Dad let's throw her out of the house. She won't tell anyone about it because she doesn't know anything about us. So it won't make any problem for us.

Arnav was continuously beating nandu and the small child couldn't bare so much torturing and she fainted.

Arnav: Ok since she has fainted it will be easy to throw her out.

Arnav picked up unconscious nandu and sat in his car and went outside. After driving away from his house she threw her on the road and left.
After sometime Nandu starts to open her eyes and sees she was on the footpath. She started crying not knowing what to do and her body was also painning very badly. She started roaming on the roads and was asking for help but the people thought she is mad so ignored her. She was standing in the middle of the road and cars were passing by  Seeing this she got scared when suddenly a car came in front of her.
The car stopped with a jerk as not wanting to hurt the small girl.

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