[38] Eighteen (4/4)

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"Can I kiss you?" Gu Xiao whispered.

As though a memory just passed by Lan Yuning's mind, his neck heated up and he averted Gu Xiao's eyes. Yet, he still nodded in embarrassment.

Brushing his fingers through his hair again, Gu Xiao leaned in and kissed him again as though he had been yearning for him for so long. 

When their faces parted even just slightly, one of them would pull the other closer, and before they knew it, they laid their lips together once again. Their kiss might have even sunk in deeper than the last.

"Gu, Gu Xiao?!" Gu Heiyu yelped before dropping her tub of clothes.

Lan Yuning immediately whipped his head away as Gu Xiao turned around. 

Glaring back at Gu Heiyu, Gu Xiao pierced her with his cold eyes that signalled her to leave. 

She laughed in guilt, but their father, too, stood there in complete astonishment until Gu Heiyu pushed him back into the house.

"Sorry. Please continue with what you were doing," she said and dashed back in.

"Your dad and sister saw, ah... oh no, I'm sorry. Are you going to be... alright? I shouldn't have acted so irrationally... You're probably in such an uncomfortable spot now," Lan Yuning panicked.

"I'm the one who is coming onto you, so why are you worrying? It's fine. Gu Heiyu already knows, and I'll just tell my dad later, though there's not much explaining to do." Gu Xiao shrugged.

"But your dad might..."

"I'm already moving countries because of him. If he can't accept the fact that I like you, then I'll just run away after landing," he joked.

Lan Yuning's numb mouth slightly parted in fluster, and he continued panicking, though Gu Xiao just watched him spouting out words. It was adorable. If someone told him that these were the words that he was going to say to Lan Yuning in the past, he would probably not believe it himself.

The ground was littered with damp, fallen leaves from the morning rain. Both of their chests were igniting in this inexplicable heat. 

Even with the silence, none of them heard silence. They were too busy sorting out their thoughts even though there were none. 

They were in this complete state of blankness, yet they were also full of thoughts.

He ruffled Lan Yuning's hair, allowing his soft hair to tickle his fingers as he ran his hand down and up Lan Yuning's head. 

Upon the sudden contact, Lan Yuning's back stiffened, and he blinked in confusion as his face heated.

This time, Gu Xiao smiled brightly. This smile that no longer had any regrets.

His smile. His laughter. His voice. His words. Everything he offered to Lan Yuning was all genuine. 

He didn't regret any of it. 

He didn't regret spending time with him. 

He didn't regret getting into fights or misbehaving for him.

He didn't regret telling him his feelings.

 The only part he regretted was that he couldn't stay with him yet. He wanted time to stop. He wanted to be with him longer, even if it was just a little more. 

However, seeing Lan Yuning before him was already more than what he deserved.

"Lan Yuning, I will become a better person. I can't deny it myself that I've been a complete mess these past few years, but I will become someone who deserves to be around you. I guess that's another reason why I like you, Lan Yuning. You make me want to be a better person. That's why, I will never hate you even if you push me away."

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