Ch. 14: And It Seems to Become True

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~~~~~ 1st Person POV ~~~~~

Kuzco struggled in my arms as I carried him out of the restaurant, asking me what I was doing. I went to a ledge that was slightly under the restaurant before putting him down, saying, "Look, there are two people in there looking for you."

"What?" questioned Kuzco.

"A big guy and a skinny old woman," Dad specified.

"Wait, was the woman scary beyond all reason?" Kuzco asked, to which we both nodded yes to. "That's Yzma and Kronk! I'm saved!" he cheered as he wiped his disguise off and handed Dad his hat.

"Trust us, they are not here to save you," I begged.

"They'll take me back to the palace. Thanks for all of your guys' help. You've been great, but I can take it from here."

I block him from walking away. "No, no, you don't understand. Kuzco, they're trying to kill you!"

"Kill me? Their whole world revolves around me."

Kuzco tries to walk away again, making Dad grab him as Dad says, "No, we can't let you."

"What? Wha... Oh! Oh, I get it." Kuzco states with his eyebrows furrowed. "You two don't want to take me back to the palace. You want to keep me stranded out here forever."

"No!" Dad and I deny. How is he suddenly so blind? We're trying to help him, which is only what we have been doing this entire time.

"This has all been an act, and I almost fell for it."

"Will you just listen to us--" Dad tried to tell him, but I snapped when Kuzco wouldn't listen.

"Kuzco, you better listen to me right now. We are trying to look out for you, just like we have been doing this entire time. Even after you lied to us and kept claiming that you are going to kick us out of our home, we are still helping you. But since you can't seem to get that through your thick skull, you can go ahead and run towards your death. Just remember that you'll die alone, just like I said, because you couldn't stop thinking that everything is about you for one moment." With that, I walked away, throwing a "Have fun being alone again!" over my shoulder before disappearing into the jungle.

~~~ 3rd Person POV ~~~

Pacha sadly watched his son disappear into the jungle. Then his face twisted up in anger and he turned to Kuzco, holding out his hand. Kuzco looked at him questionably.

"Give me his (poncho, coat, thing)," Pacha growled.

Kuzco paused before his eyebrows furrowed and he shrugged it off, dropping it into Pacha's hand. "Fine, I won't need it anyway."

The two's glares were a silent battle before Pacha said, "I heard you and (Y/N) talking that night, and what you said. (Y/N) is the most kind and accepting person I have ever known, and I thought he had helped you change. But you didn't, and you will never find someone as good as (Y/N) again."

Kuzco's face dropped as he stared at Pacha in shock. He slowly lowered his head and stared at the ground until he said, "I think it's time for you to go."

Pacha glared at him for a little longer before turning and following his son's path into the jungle. Kuzco stayed staring at the ground until he heard Yzma and Kronk leaving the restaurant. This knocked him out of his spell, and he shook his head as he happily ran towards them, looking forward to going back to the castle. Then he heard it.

"If you hadn't mixed up those poisons, Kuzco would be dead now!"

Kuzco was in shock. He couldn't process any more of their words, Yzma's sentence repeating over and over in his head. He tried to get it out of his head, straining his ears as Yzma said, "Kuzco must be eliminated. The empire will finally be rid of that useless slug."

"You got a point," Kronk replied. "Nobody really seems to care that he's gone, do they?"

Again, Kuzco was in a panic. His mind kept repeating (Y/N)'s, Yzma's, and Kronk's words until they all mixed and overlapped each other. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore.

"(Y/N)!" He frantically yelled out, running towards where he disappeared into the jungle at. "(Y/N)?! Pacha?!"

Realizing he was all alone, he walked off. Eventually, he stopped at a cliff that gave a perfect view of the palace. Kuzco went to tighten (Y/N)'s (poncho, thing) around himself as thunder sounded, but was reminded that not even that was with him. Gloomily, he walked back into the jungle to find a place to stay during the storm.

The place he found wasn't dry, especially since he was soaking right now. Still, he sat sadly as his head slumped, seemingly numb to the rain.

So, this is where you came in. See, just like I said, I'm the victim here. I didn't do anything, and they ruined my life and took everything I had.

"Hey, give it a rest up there, will you?" Kuzco snapped at the voice.

What? I'm just telling them what happened.

"Who you kidding, pal? They read the whole thing. They know what happened."

Well, yeah, but...

"Just leave me alone," Kuzco said dejectedly as he laid down to sleep for the night, curling in on himself and wishing he was laying next to the fire with a certain someone and his (poncho, thing).

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