Ch. 10: Kindness is a Great Look on Everyone

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~~~~~ 1st Person POV ~~~~~

     With Kuzco finally leaving us alone, we finally got the fire going. Dad had fallen asleep not too long ago, leaning against a log. I leaned against a different log, occasionally yawning but never actually falling asleep. It would have been peaceful, sitting by the fire in the middle of the jungle with the clear sky above us, if it wasn't for Kuzco's teeth chattering loudly. I almost felt bad for him, having to sit so far from the fire. No, he decided to sit away from the fire because we upset him, even though he was the one being an as- My thoughts were interrupted by a particularly loud shiver from Kuzco. With a sigh, I stood up, taking off my dried (poncho, coat, whatever), and walked toward Kuzco.

     I gently laid my (poncho, coat, whatever) on top of Kuzco, careful to cover as much as possible. As I was beginning to walk back to the fire, I heard Kuzco wake up behind me. Turning, I saw as Kuzco had raised his head and was looking at my (poncho, coat, etc) in confusion. He then turned to me, which called him to jump.

     "Isn't this your's?" he asked me after he nervously cleared his voice.


     "And you're letting me have it?"

     "For now, yeah. It is freezing over here compared to by the fire. I assumed you didn't want to move over with us, so I'm letting you have that. Can't let you freeze, can we?" I asked with a tired smirk.

     Kuzco froze, but shook himself out of it and said, "Yeah, I'd rather stay over here."

     There was a slight pause as I looked at him, kind of expecting a 'thank you'. Kuzco turned his head and wouldn't look me in the eyes, though.

     "Alright, that's fine," I finally said. "Good night, Kuzco."

~~~ 3rd Person POV ~~~

     Kuzco watched (Y/N) as he walked back to the fire. Once (Y/N) laid down, Kuzco broke his gaze and looked at the ground, eyebrows scrunched up in thought. After a quick glance at sleeping (Y/N)'s face, Kuzco muttered "Good night" and fell into a peaceful sleep.

~~~ At the Palace ~~~

     "And so, it is with great sadness that we mourn the sudden departure of our beloved prince..." Yzma recites at Kuzco's funeral as Kronk sobs from the other side of the memorial they have set up. "Taken from us so tragically on the very eve of his 18th birthday. His legacy will live on in our hearts... for all eternity."

     There is a moment of silence, not counting poor Kronk's sobs.

     "Well," Yzma said to stop the moment of silence, "he ain't gettin' any deader. Back to work."

     She tosses off her mourning robe to reveal a sparkly pink dress. All the people at the funeral tossed the candles they were holding aside and began changing everything from Kuzco-themed to Yzma-themed.

     "Kronk, darlin'," Yzma complimented as she sat on a couch in a nice purple dress, "I must admit you had me worried when you mixed up those poisons, but now that Kuzco is dead, all is forgiven."

     She ate the chicken wings that Kronk gave her as Kronk turned to take care of the rest, getting nervous when Yzma mentioned Kuzco being dead.

     "Ah. Oh, yeah, yeah," Kronk stammered, leaning on the fire. "He's... heh." Kronk's oven mitt that he was wearing caught on fire, and Kronk dropped it to the floor and started stomping the fire out. "He's dead, all right. I mean, you can't get much deader than he- than he is right now." Kronk continued, nervously laughing. "Unless, of course, we killed him again."

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