Ch. 5: A Dinner to Die For

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~~~~~ 3rd Person POV ~~~~~

     Kronk prepares the table as Girl From Ipanema plays in the background, lighting candles and making sure everything is ready.

     "So," Yzma bursts in to ask, "is everything ready for tonight?"

     "Oh, yeah. I thought we'd start off with soup and a light salad and then see how we feel after that."

     "Not the dinner... the you know..."

     "Oh, right. The poison- the poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?"

     "Yes! That poison."

     "Got you covered." he says as he pulls it out of his apron pocket.

     "Excellent. A few drops in his drink, then I'll propose a toast, and he will be dead before dessert."

     "Which is a real shame, because it's gonna be delicious."

     Suddenly the door slams open with a "Boom, bam, baby!" and there stands the soon-to-be-dead man of the hour, Kuzco.

     "Let's get to the grub," he says as walks to his chair. "I am one hungry king of the world."

     He spins his chair before sitting down and making himself comfortable. "So..." he starts off, "no hard feelings about being let go?"

     Yzma grinds her teeth as she says, "None whatsoever." Then the plan is in motion. "Kronk, get the emperor a drink."

     "Drink, right..." Kronk goes to prepare the drinks, the rather loud puff from the poison being unheard by Kuzco. "Your highness," he says as he offers Kuzco his drink.

     "Is something burning?" Kuzco asks after he sniffs the air.

     *Gasp* "My spinach puffs!" Kronk spirits out of the room and leaves Kuzco and Yzma in an awkward silence. Kuzco twangs his fork a couple times before clearing his throat.

     "Sooo... he seems... nice."

     "He is," Yzma nervously chuckles.

     "He's what, in his late 20s?"

     "I'm not sure," she chuckles again.

     Kronk suddenly comes out of the kitchen with an excited "Saved 'em!" Yzma and Kuzco talk over each about how great he did until Kronk interrupts, "Watch it. They're still hot."

     As Kronk sets the spinach puffs, Yzma clears her throat and reminds Kronk about Kuzco's drink. However, Kronk doesn't remember which cup was Kuzco's so he takes them all back, causing Yzma to face-palm.

     "Hey, Kronky, everything ok back there?" Kuzco asks when he notices Kronk taking the drinks.

     "Well..." Kronk notices the poison vial is empty, so he starts to mix all the drinks together. "Oh, uh, the drinks were just a bit on the..." he pours the drinks back into the cups, causing a small puff of smoke each time, "uhh, warm side." He nervously laughs as he turns towards the table with the tray of drinks.

     "Hey, did you see that sky today? Talk about blue."

     Yzma fake laughed at Kronk and said, "Yes, Kronk. Riveting." as Kronk handed out the drinks. Once they are all out, she proposes "A toast to the Emperor! Long live Kuzco."

     Kuzco picks the cup up and spins it on his finger as Kronk tells Yzma to not drink the wine since it is poisoned. Kuzco ends up drinking the wine while Yzma dumps her drink into a plant and Kronk pretends to drink his.

     "Ah! Tasty." Kuzco says after finishing his drink and before face planting onto the table.

     "Finally!" Yzma laughs out, "Good work, Kronk."

     "Oh, they're so easy to make. I'll get you the recipe."

     Yzma ignores him and continues. "Now, to get rid of the body."

     Kuzco's head springs up from the table as he says, "Ok! What were we saying?"

     Yzma gasps as she tries to figure out how to respond. "Uh... we were just making a toast to your long and--"

     Kuzco's ears change, causing Yzma to stutter over her words. "...healthy rule."

     Kronk shrugs his shoulders as Kuzco keeps talking about what Yzma is going to do now that she is fired. Every so often as he is talking, a new body part changes without him noticing. Yzma stares at him with a blank face and reaches for two pieces of broccoli, which she smashes together. She tries to get Kronk to hit Kuzco on the head, but he is confused until she finally just hits one balled up fist into her other palm. Kronk finally realizes what she means and goes over to Kuzco, hitting him over the head with the bowl of broccoli and knocking him out.

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