Ch. 13: Restaurant Shenanigans

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~~~~~ 1st Person POV ~~~~~

So the chances of one of us carrying Kuzco was higher than we thought.

"Low blood sugar, huh?" Dad asked Kuzco, glancing over to him in my arms.

"Yeah, it's a curse," Kuzco chuckled as he tightened his arm around my shoulder.

"Well, as soon as we get something to eat, you're walking the rest of the way," I stated. He wasn't too heavy, especially not compared to some of the llamas I've had to carry before, but I did not feel like carrying him for two more days. He's just lucky I felt bad for him.

Finally, we reached a restaurant so I put Kuzco down. As we approached the doors, however, we noticed a no llamas sign.

"Llamas? Really? It had to be llamas," Dad muttered as Kuzco and I looked at each other with sly smirks on our faces.

~~~ Mini Time Skip ~~~

"Welcome to Mudka's Meat Hut, home of the mug..." the waitress drawls, pausing when Kuzco, dressed up like a girl with my (poncho, coat, thing) and Dad's hat, giggles and leans further into my side as my arm tightens around him. She stares at us before she continues, "Of meat. What'll it be?"

"We'll have three specials. Is that alright, kids?" Dad asked us as a part of our charade.

"That's fine Dad, you know what we like," I answer as I see Kuzco flutter his fake lashes at me in the corner of my eye, his blue eyeshadow really making his eyes stand out. I turned to him, giggling with him as my cheeks flushed. Why does this feel so natural yet so weird at the same time! I screamed in my head.

"They're on their honeymoon," Dad explained to the waitress. "They wanted me to meet them for lunch before they went back to their summer home."

"Bless you for coming out in public," She said deadpanned as she grabbed our menus. "So that's three specials."

"And an onion log," Kuzco added in his normal voice. I pinched his waist with the hand that was wrapped around him and he realized his mistake. He quickly corrected himself by saying, "To split," in his girly voice, turning to me as he fluttered his eyelashes again.

The waitress just walked to the kitchen and started yelling out kitchen codes to the chef. Once she got far enough away, we all burst out laughing.

"Ok, so I'll admit this was a good idea," Dad said.

"When will you learn that all my ideas are good ones?" Kuzco asked as he leaned on the table with one arm.

"Funny," I stated as I looked at Kuzco with a deadpan expression, "since going into the jungle by yourself, getting chased by jaguars, and lying to us so we would take you back to the palace were all really bad ideas."

"Well, anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude," Kuzco retorted.

"Hot and crispy pillbug for the happy family," the waitress said as she came back with our food. She placed a plate in front of each of us before throwing a small handful of confetti and saying, "Mazel Tov." With that, she left us to enjoy our meal and to help other customers.

Dad very eagerly started digging into his meal. Kuzco and I, however, did not. "This does not smell very good," I muttered under my breath, Kuzco nodding as he sniffed his pillbug.

"Oh, here. Let me get that for you guys," Dad said as he opened our pillbugs, not noticing our grimacing faces. Kuzco moved my arm, which I didn't realize was still around him, and slipped out of the booth.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked him.

"I'm just going to slip into the kitchen and have a word with the chef," Kuzco replied.

"You are going to get us thrown out," I stated.

"Oh, please," Kuzco said as he leaned on our table. "With this disguise, I'm invisible."

Then, after a quick kiss on my cheek, he confidently strode into the kitchen. A guy that was sitting at the bar watched Kuzco as he walked past him, giving me a thumbs up as Kuzco disappeared into the kitchen. I awkwardly gave a thumbs up back before turning to my plate. Dad cleared his throat, making me look at him. He pointed to his cheek with a smirk on his face. I looked at him confused, touching my cheek with my hand. Pulling my hand away, I realized that Kuzco's kiss left some of his 'lipstick' on my face. I started wiping my face off as Dad chuckled and returned to his meal. Then, I heard someone mention Kuzco at the table behind Dad, making me pause.

"I should have done away with Kuzco myself when I had the chance."

I froze as Dad started choking on his food. I looked at him with wide eyes, silently asking if he heard what I did. He nodded his head as squeaking came from that table and a deep male voice said, "Uh-oh. I'll get you another one there, Yzma."

Yzma? Like 'Emperor's advisor with a secret lab' Yzma? That's not good.

The male turns around and taps Dad on the shoulder, asking for a fork. As Dad went to hand him an unused fork, the guy starts questioning where he recognizes Dad from. Eventually Dad just left the table, getting Kuzco if I were to guess, as I decided to stay at the table to watch Yzma and the guy, who honestly seemed too sweet to be her minion.

~~~ 3rd Person POV ~~~

Pacha opened the door to the kitchen, looking for Kuzco. Kuzco was talking to the chef, complaining about the food as the chef got angrier and angrier. (Y/N) watched as Yzma complained about the menu and Kronk offered to talk to the chef, going to the kitchen.

Pacha tried to drag Kuzco out of the kitchen as he kept complaining to the chef, but seeing Kronk walk towards the kitchen caused Pacha to push Kuzco into the pantry. Kronk came into the kitchen and politely asked the chef about special orders, which caused the chef to snap as he ranted and packed up all his stuff. He gave Kronk the chef's hat, but Kronk tried to say something as the waitress started giving him orders to cook. Something clicked in Kronk once she was done, and he started cooking.

Meanwhile, in the pantry, Pacha tried explaining to Kuzco that they had to leave and tried opening the window. Sadly, he only succeeded with one of those things, and hint: it was the window. Yzma got up from her table as well, causing (Y/N) to freak out. She walked into the kitchen just as Kuzco walked out. This happened for a while, one entering the kitchen just as the other exited, until they were both in the kitchen, each leaning in through a separate door. Then they both went and sat down at their respective tables. (Y/N) got up and offered Kuzco his seat with an excuse of needing to use the bathroom.

Then (Y/N) hurried over to the kitchen, trying to find his dad. On his way there he saw the waitress, so he asked her for a favor. She responded, "No problem, hon. We do that all the time.

Pacha walked up beside (Y/N) and (Y/N) said, "There you are Dad! On the signal, we grab Kuzco and run out of here."

"Wait, what sig-"

Suddenly a group of people surrounded Yzma's table and started singing a birthday song.

"Now!" (Y/N) said as he started running to Kuzco, picking him up and running out of the restaurant with Pacha right behind them.

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