"Whatever. I gotta get to work." I said before grabbing my gun and badge off the counter top then walking away from him.


"Dispatch this is Officer Rowan Miller, I'm afraid we have a code 904B (burning building) on Western Lane

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"Dispatch this is Officer Rowan Miller, I'm afraid we have a code 904B (burning building) on Western Lane. Please send all nearby first response units to the scene."

"Officer Miller I know how you like to play hero all the time, but wait until all units are there before trying anything stupid. We don't have time to pull you out of a fire also." Officer Borrow said through dispatch.

"Yeah, yeah copy." I responded to him.

As I waited for the units, the smell of what I believed was chemicals began to form in the air. "Ah that doesn't smell too good." I whispered, covering my nose to block the awful smell.

"Dispatch, we're gonna need to phone in the DEA and FBI agents for what I believe is the smell of drugs being or were being made."


I could hear the sound of sirens coming from a mile away as I waited in the car for the rest of the units to come. Seconds after they arrived, I stepped out of the vehicle to see what was going on.

"Where's the officer that called this in?" A firefighter asked.

"Here." I rose my hand.

"Great. Do you know how long this fire has been going on for?"

"No sir. I was just passing through and pulled over when I saw this."

"And no one called this in? Like a civilian or a stranger standing by?"

"No sir."

"Damnit! That could only mean one thing." The firefighter began to panic.

"If no one called this in, that means this fire was most likely purposely started and ain't no telling how long it's been going on for. We gotta get in there and we gotta do it fast." He said before running over to his crew.

"Where the hell is the F-" the captain started off, but he was cut off by the sound of a loud motorcycle coming down the street.

"There she is." I whispered referring to my sista from another mister.

"Sorry we're a bit late Cap. You know how New York traffic is." Inari teased, hoping off her bike.

"I've told you about coming to scenes with your loud ass motorcycle." Captain Parker said to Inari.

These two have never gotten along ever since she became an intern. I'm starting to think they have a crush on each other.

"Boohoo Parker! I can't get a fucking car until I'm an official FBI agent and you know that."

"Well sweetheart maybe you should use daddy's money and buy one."

"Screw you." Inari said flipping him off.

𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐹𝐸𝐶𝑇 𝐶𝐻𝐸𝑀𝐼𝑆𝑇𝑅𝑌Where stories live. Discover now