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"They're not back yet?" I stood in the doorway looking in at the empty hotel room. I hadn't seen Jordan since he took off that morning with Jude.

"I'll track them down," Flynn said behind me.

I walked into the room and dropped my bags on the bed. I'd been at the beach, then doing a little shopping to kill the time... but I was really hoping I'd get to see more of Jordan today.

It was my birthday, after all.

We'd been in L.A. for four days and something weird was going on.

On the surface everything was fine. Things had been pretty epic, actually, from about the moment Jordan and I started sleeping together. Then somewhere around Vegas things took a sharp turn. I kept hearing him on the phone with someone, a female someone, semi-arguing. And his mood took a nose-dive. But he never mentioned it to me and I was way too scared to ask.

Because apparently, just when I thought things could hardly get any better between us—other than that pesky little problem of him not being in love with me—they got totally worse.

A lot worse.

The closer we got to L.A., the worse it got. Jordan got all broody and withdrawn. He took to spending more time alone with his guitar. He always had a smile for me and the sex was still phenomenal, but something was deeply wrong and I was about one more of those far-off, distracted looks in his eyes from becoming a total wreck.

In desperation, I'd even started hoping he might say something in his sleep to give me a hint at what was going on in his gorgeous head, but I hadn't heard anything beyond a bit of mumbling. And I'd had a lot of sleepless nights to eavesdrop.

"He's still in a meeting," Flynn reported, after texting Jude. "He'll meet you at the restaurant for dinner at eight. Still lots of time to make it to the show."

Shit. He was running late. On my birthday.

He'd already played two sold-out concerts in L.A. and tonight we were going to see Zane's side project band, Wet Blanket, play at a club. I'd been so looking forward to this night, because I was dying for more downtime with Jordan. He'd been busier than ever—at least, too busy for me—and even though we'd been "being seen" every night, as usual, at some club or restaurant or party, I didn't feel like I'd really seen him in over a week.

"Okay," I told Flynn, resigned. "I guess just knock on my door when you're ready to go." I tried to sound normal and not like my life was crumbling around me.

"We should head out at seven-thirty."


Flynn left and I flopped onto the bed.

Fuck me.

What the fuck was going on?

L.A. had been amazing, other than this. For a surprise birthday present, Jordan had flown my sister and her family down when we first arrived. We'd had a ton of fun sightseeing and taking the kids to the beach, but they'd flown home last night; had to get back to work. They rarely went on holiday because of the coffee bar, so I was super grateful Jordan had managed to pull this together... but I also couldn't help wondering if he'd done it partly to keep me distracted.

I'd heard him on the phone again this morning, and he was definitely talking to a woman.

Elle hadn't shown up at his shows, so I still didn't know if that's what the argument was about. But I'd put money on the fact that he was talking to her, and whatever they were talking about, it wasn't good.

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