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I could totally see how it could overwhelm a guy, like completely hijack his hormones, when a bunch of pretty French-speaking chicks in very little clothing swarmed around him, begging for his autograph and firing questions at him with their cute accents.

For a moment as Jordan and his entourage, including moi, entered the crowded, thumping afterhours club, I found myself mentally preparing to get ditched. I could easily envision Jordan getting swept away in the tide of adoring fans and the promise of fast, easy sex, completely forgetting everything he'd promised me in my kitchen.

I stayed back and out of the fray with Flynn, pretending I was caught up in Pepper's story about the last time he was at this club, with his other band, and he got kicked out for taking off his pants. It was probably a hilarious story; everyone was laughing but me. I just couldn't take my eyes off Jordan, and the girls circling like sharks over a bit of bloody meat.

I knew the way I was feeling was irrational, because the man wasn't actually mine. Maybe it was because he wasn't mine, would never be mine, but I felt a wicked stab of envy toward those girls. I couldn't even be one of them, outright throwing myself at him in hopes of getting noticed. I couldn't afford to throw myself at him. I was his contracted employee. If I did that and he told me to take a cold shower and get over it, I'd be humiliated.

Worse, if he took me to bed once or twice, then lost interest, I'd be crushed.

Yeah, that was the sad truth of it. I could handle this whole pretending thing, knowing he didn't actually want me. As long as he kept believing I didn't actually want him either.

But there was no way I ever wanted to be his groupie du jour.

As I watched him with those girls, it all became so clear.

The guy had just sang an amazing love song about me in front of thousands of people, but the fact of the matter was that the song wasn't for me. It was for them.

His fans.

Not long after Jordan was engulfed by the mob, Jude plowed in and scooped him out, a couple of bouncers sending the flustered girls scattering. They hung back, waiting for an opening to dart back in, but more bouncers had appeared and quickly formed a wall around Jordan and the rest of us. The girls were starting to sniff out the other guys, mainly Pepper and Raf, who were pretty famous themselves, if not Jordan Knight famous. It was kind of exciting, not to mention impressive, the way the club staff worked with Jordan's crew, really fucking fast, to get us all into the club without any of the musicians losing a shirt.

Just when I thought he might've actually forgotten me, Jordan turned, worked his way over to me and gripped my hand. I held on tight as we followed Jude and a couple of bouncers into a raised area behind one of the bars.

My stomach fluttered with nerves, but to my surprise, I kinda liked how people looked at me when I was with Jordan. I saw a hell of a lot of envy, sure, and some catty spite, but there was also something I didn't anticipate: appreciation.

Men and even women were checking me out, their gazes moving over my body in the champagne-pink dress. Jordan Knight's new girl... out with him in public. I guess it was a big deal, if you knew who Jordan Knight was, and right now, it seemed like the entire late-night scene of Montreal did. Everyone within eyesight seemed to be watching us.

But it was late, the party had been going awhile, the music was loud, and by the time our group dropped into the dark booths awaiting us, most of the clubgoers had gone back to dancing, drinking, talking, and making out in the dark.

Rock My World/ A Jordan Knight FanFic✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя