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I didn't mean to crash the meeting.

I fully intended to knock before entering, like a civilized person. Max had other plans. For one thing he was a dog, and for another he knew we were dropping in on my best friend, Devi. Devi was a total babe, and Max totally dug hot babes. One glimpse of the door to her office, which was ajar, and he streaked past the front desk, big wet tail wagging, startling a couple of Devi's co-workers.

"On it!" I blurted, diving after him, but he'd already hip-checked the door open. By the time I caught up, my wayward black lab was shaking off his rain-wet fur in a flurry of excitement, spraying Devi and the three other people standing in her office. I made a mad grab for his collar.

I missed.

Hovering awkwardly on the threshold, I clutched the tin of miniature pies I'd been unpacking in the lobby and mouthed a Sorry! at my BFF.

"Hey, Nora!" Devi smiled brightly, tussling Max's ears with a friendly pat. "Max! Aren't you wet." She shot me a look that said something like, Nice to see you, but what the hell?

"Um... hi," I said. Devi was a talent agent; her agency repped models and actors, so I was used to running into beautiful people in her office. Though I didn't usually crash her meetings with my dog, wet and disheveled in my paint-stained jeans. "Sorry about my dog. Come on, Max." I gave Max the get-your-furry-butt-over-here look, a look he knew well but completely ignored, since Devi and her pretty female guest were now loving him up.

"No problem. We were just finishing up." Devi gestured for me to stay put, though I really just wanted to grab my delinquent dog and get the hell out of there. I felt ridiculously conspicuous in my white tank top, which I'd regretted wearing about two seconds after it started raining. As Devi wrapped things up with her guests, I took stock. Yep. Purple bra totally showing through my now-transparent tank.


Devi was shaking hands with this built dude in the short-sleeve button-down, and I noticed some tattoos on his muscular arm, but that was about it. My attention had already snapped to the other guy as some unconscious, primal part of me registered his hotness before the rest of me could catch up.

Plus, he was staring at me.

Or at least, my see-through shirt.

Devi strode to the door to see her guests out and I stepped aside, holding my tin of pies, trying to disappear into the wall. He was coming at me. His thick, dark hair in unkempt waves that gave him a decidedly just-fucked look, like some lucky bitch had just clawed through it. Totally worked on him. He wore a fitted black T-shirt, which I swore I could see his well-defined abs through, and ripped, dark jeans molded to his long, hard thighs...

My brain must have short-circuited, because my gaze got stuck on the package in the front of those jeans. When I looked up, his brown-dark eyes were locked on mine. He stopped a foot in front of me and stared.

Fair enough, since he'd just caught me checking him out like a horny perv.

I cleared my throat, which was suddenly tight. "Pie?" I fumbled with the tin, lifting it between us, blocking his view of my bra. "They're cherry."

He glanced in the tin, where two dozen hand-crafted miniature pies were neatly arranged, my signature cherry filling peeking out through the crisscrossed pastry tops. Then his gaze lifted to mine again. He had the longest, darkest eyelashes I'd ever seen on a man. High cheekbones. Luscious, kissable lips. Strong jaw shadowed with dark stubble, like he hadn't shaved in days. And those beautiful dark eyes, smoldering at me and making me blush, big time.

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