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Half an hour later, Nora was devouring a giant breakfast sandwich with two fried eggs and triple cheese. I'd already wolfed mine down. Raf had smoked us up while the other guys grabbed our breakfast and we were on the road again. We were about half an hour from our destination, which meant I had about fifteen minutes to get  Nora to tell me what the fuck was going on with her art, and fifteen for a quickie.

I could work with that.

"That is the most amazing... most mellowest... yet potent weed I've ever..." Nora said between bites. She was sitting cross-legged in her cut-offs, her tits bare beneath her thin tank top, her smooth, pale skin looking slightly sun-kissed.

I mellowed out against the pillows in my jeans, idly playing my guitar. "Cool. Now tell me why you don't want to be an artist."

I serenaded her while she thought about that, bits of "Dirty Like Me" and Eric Clapton's "Layla" and I didn't even know what else, just some fragments that had been bouncing around in my head and might turn into a new song.

Finally, she said, "I didn't say that."

"But you're crazy talented and you obviously love doing it. You're always drawing in that book. So what's the problem?"

"I don't know."

"Bullshit. Haven't you ever dreamed of making a living off the thing you love doing?"

"Of course."

"So what happened to that dream?"

She shrugged. "Life happened. I used to draw like a fiend. And I painted all through my teens. Pretty much since I was about ten years old and I realized drawings and paintings weren't just things on walls or in books, they were something I could do."

Damn. She painted too? I'd pay money to see a Nora Elvis original. And not just because she had a sweet ass and perfect, lickable tits.

"And?" I prompted.

"And I hung out with a bunch of skater kids and some of them were into street art so I got into that."

"Street art? You mean graffiti?"

"Yeah. You really want to see my work, there are remnants of it all over Vancouver. I can tell you where to go."

"I will," I said.

She shook her head, brushing that off like it wasn't even worth pretending to believe. "I just kinda got lost along the way, you know? I think it started when I got arrested."

My hands stilled on the guitar. "You what?"

"I got arrested."

"Sweet Nora Elvis? Mug shots and everything?"

She scowled at me. "Don't tell me you've never been arrested, Mr. Badass Rock Star."

"I haven't."


"Scout's honor. Ask Jude, Brody, anyone."

"Oh. Well, I have. It's not fun. I was eighteen and I was dating Josh, so his dad's lawyers were able to get the charges dropped, and eventually got the record purged. Which is why Jude never found it." She grinned a little sheepishly.

"What the hell did you do to get arrested?"

"Got caught in the vicinity of a wall I'd just painted on, with my paints. And then they found the weed."

"Shit. You were a badass."

"Not really. Just a kid." She finished the last of her sandwich and started into the iced vanilla latte with extra whipped cream that Jude had picked up for her. He'd even found her some cherries to put in it. "The whole experience was brutal. Josh's parents decided I was a misfit at that point. He defended me to them, more or less, but over time I could tell he'd lost respect for me. If he ever had it in the first place. He always acted like if he could just clean me up a little I'd be more acceptable."


"Yup. It came up in little ways, pretty much daily. It seems so stupid now that I didn't see it then, the way he would criticize my friends and the music I listened to, every little fucking thing. When we went to dinner with his parents, he'd veto my outfits and tell me to change into something more 'presentable.' When he jumped ship at the altar, I'm pretty sure they were elated."

"You ask me, you dodged a bullet." It was obvious to me that the douche didn't deserve her. But I was pretty sure she didn't believe that yet.

"Yeah, except... I'd just graduated from art school, and Josh's dad owned an art gallery. One of his many investments. We were planning to have my big debut there that winter. Not like he actually gave a shit about art, or me, but more like he was throwing me a bone to win points with his son. As soon as the wedding was off, Josh, Senior canceled the show."

"Oh, fuck."

"Oh, yeah. 'Cause that's what happens, apparently, when your fiancé ditches you and your first big art show is supposed to take place at his father's gallery. You get dumped twice over."

"Jesus." Douche Junior and Douche Senior.

"Uh-huh. Personally and professionally kicked to the curb." She slurped her drink. "Lost my studio space in that great purge as well. Also owned by—"

"Josh, Senior?"

"You got it. No way I could afford the rent on a studio of my own, so after that I moved my things into my sister's basement."

"That's shitty, Nora. But you know you can't let it stop you, right?" I wondered if she'd thought about using the money from this tour to start something up, but it was pretty obvious she didn't have the confidence to believe she could really make her way as an artist. Not yet.

"Yeah. Well." She shrugged. "You ask me why I don't want to do anything with my art. It's not that I don't. It's just that I don't know what to do anymore, or even where to start." She flipped idly through her sketchbook, not bothering to hide the pages from me anymore, but I didn't look. I didn't want to look again until she invited me to.

She caught me watching her and gave me a sweet smile. "I guess I kind of lost my mojo."

"Then we'll just have to get it back."

"Yeah," she said quietly.

She flipped through her book some more, but she didn't seem to be looking at the drawings.

"Hey, Jordan?"

She looked at me, her big blue-greens softening as she searched for the words. Pretty sure it was the pot, but it was a good look on her. She looked more relaxed than usual, less... on guard.

"I know you hired me and this is a business deal, but I just want to say... I don't know... thank you, I guess. For giving me something I never thought was possible."

I set my guitar aside. "Such as?"

"Such as... I don't know... I guess, I..." She blushed something fierce. "I just never knew that sex could, um... be like that."

I grinned, ear-to-fucking-ear. "Like what?" I moved closer to her on the bed, grabbing her by her hips and yanking her toward me.

"You know." The blush deepened. "So... volcanic."

I laughed and pulled her onto my lap, so she straddled me in her tiny cut-offs.

"I'm serious," she said, her eyebrows pinching together.

"I know you are." I yanked her closer against me so she could feel me getting hard for her. "But you say it like it's some fluke..." I brushed her hair out of her face. "You're fucking molten hot, Nora."

Then I rolled over, taking her with me, and started peeling off her clothes like I'd been dying to do all morning.

Rock My World/ A Jordan Knight FanFic✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें