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I was sitting in some club in Atlanta at a table covered in drinks, my boys gathered around, talking shit and drinking. It was Friday night, after the show. Half-naked dancers were grinding up on poles between the tables. The dance floor was packed, a mass of bodies pumping in the dark.

Flynn was trying really fucking hard to keep his professional distance from some hot little blonde who was begging him to dance with her. Mick had some wasted redhead in his lap. Letty's wife had come up from Florida and the two of them were going at it, his hand spread possessively on the round bulge of her pregnant belly.

Next to me was an empty seat. Come to fucking think of it, it had been empty a while.

Which was when it really hit me.

It had started sometime after New York.

After I'd walked in on Nora getting her sweet rocks off with a cherry-flavored vibrator.

But fuck if I knew why it started.

Before that, I knew she was hot for me.

But damn. Never did I think I'd walk in on the woman pleasuring herself between dinner and drinks. If only I'd had the time to do something about it right then. But she hadn't exactly asked me to join in. She just sat there looking super fucking embarrassed, while I stood there feeling like an ass for barging in. Like maybe I should've knocked? On the door of my own hotel room?

I flushed hot like a fucking school kid, my dick getting hard as I remembered it. I could still see her, lying back on the bed, her cheeks flushed pink, dark hair clinging to her neck, still damp with sweat from our make out session, her bare tits saluting me as she grappled with a pillow trying to cover up, clinging to the thing like a fucking life preserver.

She tossed the vibrator away like it was on fire, and fuck yeah, I picked it up. I had the little pink thing in my hand as I stood there staring at her, blood thundering to my dick. I clicked it on. The vibration was strong, and I could smell her on it. Cherry-vanilla sunshine and pure sex.

I had a hard-on bordering on painful by the time I dragged my mind out of the memory, all the pent-up lust from every make out session we'd had since the start of the tour aching in each throb of blood through my veins. I'd wanted to fuck her senseless every fucking day.

But I still hadn't done it.

Mainly because the girl was playing it that way. Every night when I came to bed, she was already asleep. And I never got another fucking chance.

The east coast was a mad cyclone of shows, interviews, appearances, signings. The tour was going fucking great and the album was selling better than I'd ever dreamed, but I could hardly keep my head straight. I was so booked up, half the time I didn't even know what time it was or what town we were in or which fucking end was up. Jude and Mick were pretty much keeping my shit together. Dirty had a massive following out east and I wanted to see every fucking face of every fucking fan while I was here. That's what I'd told Brody when the team set out to book this thing.

But somewhere around DC, I started regretting the frantic pace... right about the time it sunk through my hard skull that Nora was getting distant. For some reason, her head didn't seem to be in the game anymore.

Her body was another thing. She did her job and she did it well. She played her part to a fucking T, and she looked amazing doing it. To all appearances she was still crazy about me, my devoted girlfriend, hanging out backstage, on my arm at every event, tongue wrestling me in every dark nightclub we hit up. Anytime I wanted it—in public—she was there, warm and ready. But she was holding something back... holding herself back, and I had no idea why.

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