08. It Isn't Over

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•2024 AD, London, England

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2024 AD, London, England

  ARTEMIS'S FAVOURITE PART ABOUT London wasn't the people or the architecture, but the weather. She seemed to thrive in the rain and fog. Sprite was the opposite, always complaining about the lack of sun. As they stepped off the tube, headed to meet Sersi at her work, the shortest Eternal rattled on and on about the clouds in the sky. "I just don't get it. Why did Sersi have to move here of all places? I could be in Morroco right now under the sun and relaxing. Instead, I'm here in London freezing my butt off."

"Sprite," Artemis snorted. "You're so dramatic. London's not that bad," She nudged the redhead's side playfully.

Sprite rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile. "Whatever," She scoffed with a hint of amusement. "Let's just hurry. It's cold."

They hurried towards the museum and up its stone steps. Sersi would be teaching her class, so they would have to wait. Not that Artemis minded -- she loved museums. The history they held, though some of it incorrect, was fascinating. Sprite tucked her hands deep into the pockets of her jacket as the two of them slowly walked around, eyes lazily scanning the artifacts. "Not a history fan?" Artemis joked. 

"Most of this is fake," Sprite countered. Her eyes wandered to the skull of a Smilodon. "Or mislabeled," She headed over to it, shaking her head. "You'd think humans would know a Deviant when they saw one."

Artemis laughed as she followed behind her. "Well, given that we wiped them out centuries ago, I think we can cut them some slack," Sprite shook her head. After a moment of silence and staring at the skull, she raised her hand, gold magic swirling in her palm as she cast the illusion of the Deviant's flesh over the skull. "Sprite," Artemis warned quietly. 

"I know," She sighed. As her hand dropped, so did the illusion. Artemis put her arm around her and squeezed softly, a silent gesture of comfort. 

Approaching footsteps interrupted their silence. "Hi, Sprite. Artemis." 

Dropping her arm, Artemis and Sprite turned to see Dane walking toward them. "Whitman," Sprite greeted him with little enthusiasm.

"You here to see Sersi? Because I think she started a presentation about the importance of apex predators in our ecosystem," He sent a sly smile to Artemis, who returned it with a chuckle as he directed his comment to Sprite as she continued to stare at the skull in front of them.

"That's ironic," Sprite turned partially to him. "Since she helped wipe out an entire species of them."

Artemis rolled her eyes. This was an ongoing thing with Sprite and Dane. She despised him, so telling him stories of their past was her way of making him feel stupid because there was no way they could be true. If only he knew, Artemis chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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