03. The Fall of an Empire

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  ARTEMIS COULDN'T COUNT THE amount of times Kingo had commented on her glow since that fateful night with Druig. And he was right — she was glowing. She couldn't stop glowing when she knew Druig loved her. But today, that glow had dimmed significantly. Artemis returned to the Domo later than usual, the Deviant fight had taken longer than normal and Gilgamesh had gotten hurt. Kingo, still recovering from a rather bad injury, was lounging in the Astro-Lab with Sprite and Druig. "Welcome back!" He called to her as she trudged in, feet dragging tiredly.

"Not now, Kingo," Artemis grumbled, making her way over to Druig, who watched her worriedly. She was barely standing, her hair was a mess and a mix of dirt and blood streaked across her cheeks. She fell into the seat next to him, shuddering as she leaned against his chest.

"My darling," He breathed, maneuvering himself to hold her better. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Artemis's eyes closed as she tried to take a deep breath. "I was distracted. Gilgamesh was hurt and Thena couldn't get to him. I didn't see the Deviant, my back was turned and it...took advantage of that." She could feel his hands carefully wander over her body, checking for anything broken or bleeding.

"Have you gone to see Ajak?" Druig asked her softly, voice filled with concern.

She shook her head. "No. Gilgamesh was far more important. I'll find her later."

Sprite had gotten up from her seat. "Will you be okay?"

Artemis opened her eyes at the smallest Eternal's shaky voice. She smiled weakly. "Of course,"

Kingo called from across the room. "She has Druig to take care of her! She's in...good hands." Despite his attempt at making a joke to lift the mood, Artemis could hear the nervousness in his voice. As much as Kingo loved to tease her, that did not stop him from worrying about her. They were family, after all.

Artemis could feel Druig tense up at Kingo's comment. "Is now really the time to joke?"

"Hey, I'm just trying to lighten the mood," Kingo raised his arms defensively.

"It's okay, Druig," Artemis sighed tiredly. "I'm okay, and I don't have the energy to argue right now. Kingo was only trying to help."

Druig barely relaxed but stood down at Artemis's request. Throughout the hours that they waited for Ajak, he couldn't stop his mothering as he checked all over Artemis, making sure she wasn't dying. Artemis allowed him, too tired to tease or even keep her eyes open. She must have fallen asleep, because when they opened again, Ajak was kneeling in front of her, concern evident by the creases in her face. "Artemis," She spoke softly.

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