07. Remember Us

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•1521 AD, Tenochtitlan

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1521 AD, Tenochtitlan

  GUNSHOTS FIRED ALL AROUND Artemis and Thena as the two warriors battled their final Deviant. As Artemis pulled back the string of her bow, aiming her golden arrow at its slimy body, a part of her wanted to prolong this fight because, after this, the Eternals' purpose on earth would be finished. But wasn't that a good thing? Humans would finally be safe. At least, that's what Ajak told them, but a part of Artemis had never truly believed that. 

Artemis took a deep breath, focusing back onto the Deviant before letting her arrow fly. It struck true in the beast's neck, forcing it to the ground and allowing for Thena to finally strike it down with her elegant spear. Standing from her perch, Artemis hopped back down to the rainforest floor and landed next to Thena. "Is that it, then?" She looked up at the blonde goddess. 

Thena nodded stiffly. "I believe it is." 

"Right," Artemis nodded as well. "We should meet up with the others."

"Yes," Thena agreed, and without another word, the two began to walk through the forest, towards where the rest of the Eternals would be waiting. Artemis tried her best to ignore the screams of the innocent humans that were currently being slaughtered by the Spanish. Her heart tugged at her chest, begging and pleading for her to go help, but Arishem's mission remained the dominant force in her mind. She could not interfere. 

A gush of wind indicated the arrival of Makkari. "There were more than Phastos said," The speedster huffed, wiping the sweat from her brow. 

"There always is," Artemis shook her head tiredly.

The trees cleared and Sersi, Ajak, Phastos, and Druig came into view. "Where are the others?" Ajak asked, concerned. 

"We had to split up," Makkari sighed. 

"There were more Deviants than you said," Thena shot an accusatory look towards Phastos. 

The man rolled his eyes lightly. 'Well, I'm sure that was fun for you."

Thena's lips quirked upwards. "It was."

Artemis headed over to Druig as Phastos pulled up a small global image of earth, with three small blue dots indicating Deviant threats. "Once the others kill these last Deviants, we will have eliminated them all from the planet." 

His words left a heavy feeling in her heart. She reached out subconsciously to grab Druig's hand. Their eyes connected. Without any words, he knew what she was thinking. He squeezed her hand lightly, sending her a soft nod. It will be okay.

But there were more gunshots and more screams. All their heads turned towards the distant woods where Spanish soldiers ran with their rifles held high, firing blindly at the Aztec, whose pained screams grew more and more. Druig's hand slipped from Artemis's as he stared, gritting his teeth. He walked forward, closer to the conflict. Artemis watched his familiar head tilt and she knew what he was doing. But before he could, Ajak stepped in. "Don't..." She warned him. "We don't interfere in their wars." 

somewhere in time, druigOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora